3 Reasons I’m not going back to the gym

I did it guys. I got vaccinated! (Well, I got the first dose). I’m a front line worker, in a pharmacy, so we’re now witnessing a huge roll out on COVID-19 vaccinations and life has gotten CRAZY (why this blog is late, sorry about that!) Anyway, now that I’m a little more protected, I can feel my anxiety beginnig to decrease and I feel a little more comfortable about the world around me. That being said, I don’t think I’m going to be rushing back to the gym any time soon and it’s kind of crazy for me to be typing that right now because I always thought I needed a treadmill to get a good workout. Turns out I don’t, and I’m not even sure I’ll be returning to the gym. Today, I want to tell you guys why I think home workouts are just as great as gym workouts.

It’s way more convenient

I was NEVER a morning workout person. That was until I started doing home workouts and my gym became a place right across from my bedroom. Now, I wake up at 6am almost every day and get my workout in first thing in the morning before doing anything else. Why? It’s just so convienent. I don’t have to pack a gym bag, I don’t have to drive anywhere, I just roll out of bed, get dressed, and get it done right then and there. It’s made working out every day easy and convneient and I think that has become a large motivator in getting things done.

I learned in psychology that one of the best things to do to motivate people to workout is make their ability to do so easy, put equipment in an easy to see/access area, and make it so there are less excuses. Having my gym in my office is just what I needed to motivate myself to get it done.

I’ve Learned about Variety

If you look back on the contents of this blog in years past you’ll notice that almost all my workout content had to do with running. And running is great and I still love it as my first passion, but I’ve also learned that there is a lot more variety out there and I don’t need a treadmill to get that variety. I have learned to love biking, cardio kickboxing, and even weight lifting now that I haven’t been to the gym. And for now, I am able to happily do all those things from home. I’ve slowly been adding to the weights and equipment I have at home (and honestly it’s more cost effective to do that than pay for a gym membership).

Plus, I get to try new things all the time. With there being so many different trainers on youtube, I am always trying something new to see if it’s something I like or something that gives me a good workout. And I get to report back here with my findings, which is always so much fun! Variety works out the body and the mind and so far, I’m really getting to mix it up.

There are no people!

If you guys don’t know this about me, I don’t like people. Especially when I am trying to workout. When I’m running or working out, I’m there to get in my head space, maybe watch a movie if I’m running, and just get it done. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE TRY TO TALK TO ME AT THE GYM. I just want to get it done and do the thing in my quiet space. Plus, it ruins my flow if you interupt me. So not having people around is great.

Plus, not having guys around to watch me workout (for whatever reason they do it) is so much more comfortable than having to be aware that they are there. There’s nothing worse than that.

And of course, it let’s you focus on you and you alone. I know when I was running, I used to try to run faster and longer than the person nearest me and it really got to me after awhile. I was working out to show off more than I was working out for me. It became toxic and I don’t really want to rush back into that.

All in all, I think this working out from home thing has really made me fall back in love with working out for the sake of improving myself and myself alone and to be fair, I’m not ready to jump back into a potentially toxic environment again. I like what I have going on here and while it is working for me, I think I am going to continue to work with it. The only reason I might go back to the gym is to start putting long miles back in for half marathon training, but spring is right around the corner, so I might not even need to!

What do you guys like about home workouts? Have you been back to the gym? Are you excited to get back to the gym? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Thanks for you patience on this week’s late blog. School and work have both been insane this term and I’m having a hard time keeping track of time!

Until next time,


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