10 Weeks to Learn to run a 5k

Spring is almost here!  Despite the fact that it’s hailing while I write this post, I can almost feel the spring weather coming around the corner, at least it better be.  And what’s’ more exciting about spring coming than running season coming right along with it?  I’m definitely planning for a very exciting running season this year, including hopefully 18 runs (I already have one accomplished, so only 17 to go).

And while I talk about running a lot, I haven’t always been a runner.  It took me a long time to become comfortable as a runner.  I didn’t just wake up one morning running 5k.  I had to work my way up to it very slowly.

Recently, I sat down at with some help from a few couch to 5k apps (which are super helpful if you want to learn to run), created a running program for a friend of mine who needs to learn how to run distance.  So I figured that while I was sharing this 10 week running plan with him, I would post it here as well, just in case any of you guys out there are interested in learning how to run and want to accomplish your first 5k this year.

So here it is, my guide to learning how to run a 5k in 10 weeks.  This is based on 3 runs per week minimum at a pace that you choose.

Week 1

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 5 minute run
  • 2 minute break

*7 reps (22.5 minutes total) ending with 7th run

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 2

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 5 minute run
  • 5 minute walk
  • 3 minute run
  • 3 minute walk

*3 reps (24 minutes total) ending with 3rd 3 minute run

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 3

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 3 minute run
  • 5 minute walk
  • 5 minute run
  • 5 minute walk

*2 reps (24 minutes total) ending with 2nd 5 minute run

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 4

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 5 minute run
  • 3 minute walk

*3 reps (21 minutes total) ending with 3rd run

CHALLENGE: Add a rep

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 5

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 8 minute run
  • 5 minute walk

*3 reps (34 minutes total) ending with 3rd run

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 6

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 10 minute run
  • 3 minute walk
  • 10 minute run

*(23 minutes total)

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 7

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 1 MILE run
  • 5 minute walk
  • 1 MILE run

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 8

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 25 minute run

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 9

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 28-30 minute run

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk

Week 10

Warm up: Brisk 5 minute walk

  • 5k Run

Cool down: Brisk 5 minute walk


My tip is to choose your own pace, whatever works for you and go with that pace.  Everyone runs at a different rate when they first start out.  When I started, I ran a 12 minute mile. I know others who start training at a 9 minute mile.  It all depends on what you are comfortable with and how much you want to push yourself.  Keep up with the workouts, but if you don’t feel you are ready to move on to the next level, then stay for an extra work out at the level you are at.  The most important thing about running is learning to listen to your body and understanding your body’s reaction to stress and exercise.

Are you planning on any 5ks this year?  Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,
