Things I learned After 1 Year of At Home Workouts

It’s been just a little over a year since everything shut down on us and we were forced to see what the new normal brought for us. For those of us gym-goers, it meant figuring out the world of at home workouts. I’ve kept you guys updated on new programs and influencers I am following and what I think of different workouts I try. While I’ve learned a lot about myself through trying different at home workouts, and as I’ve mentioned here before, I have really found something that works for me, I’ve also learned a lot about the online space and the fitness community online. So today, I want to share with you guys some of the things I have learned about the at home workout world.

Titles are made to make you click

For those of us who have been navigating the internet for awhile, clickbait isn’t new. We are bombarded with titles made for us to click and read or watch all the time. The online fitness community is no different!

6 pack abs! Fat Burning Cardio Workout! Get fit Fast! Burn 600 Calories in 60 minutes!

We see these titles all the time.

There has been some debate online about the toxicity of such titles and if they really belong in the fitness community. Are they doing more harm than good? After all, they are often lying (you aren’t going to melt away fat by doing a 15 minute cardio workout and you aren’t going to spot reduce fat to get a six pack by doing the same ab routine for 14 days straight). Should these titles be allowed or could they be damaging to body image and promote body dysmorphia and disorders related to workout addiction.

The important thing to make note of here is that influencers are going to continue to make clickbait titles KNOWING THEY ARE DOING SO because how else are they going to get views? (At least for most of them, let’s be fair there are some gems out there who do not do this bu they are few and far between). To go viral, get popular, and stay relevent click bait titles are one of the few ways to garuntee a paycheck is coming in so they are going to continue.

What’s important to make sure is that you keep in mind that they are clickbait! Thy are created to get clicks but their claims are outlandish. If those types of titles trigger you, then it may be best to avoid them altogether, but if you can get passed the title and think its a great workout that makes you feel like you have really worked yourself and makes you feel good, do it, ignore the title, and just get it.

One of my favorite workouts is titled: “This Killer workout Torches Calories- 500 in 45 minutes”. Do I know it’s a totally clickbait title so it gets the 23 million views it has? Yes. But do I really enjoy the workout and throw it in my rotation when I’m looking for a good cardio session? Totally because it’s fun, effective, and while I won’t burn 500 calories I’ll still feel like I got a good workout and that is more important!

You aren’t going to burn the Number of Calories they say in the title

That brings us to our second point- you aren’t going to burn the number of calories the titles or captions say you will, you will likely burn less, but may burn more.

Why? There are two main reasons.

First, again, it’s about clickbait. Are you going to click a title that says “burn 200 calories in 45 minutes?” or “Burn 500 calories is 45 minutes?” Most people are going to go with the latter, so people are going to title their vidoes that!

Second, the number of calories you burn during a workout depends on a lot of factors including height, age, body fat percentage, muscle mass (muscle burns more calories than fat), gender, and intensity. What you burn during a workout is going to be completely different than what someone else, especially your “trainer” burns. You can’t judge your activity and burn based off of someone else and someone else’s body!

So I stress to ignore those titles or info boxes that say how many calories you are going to burn and just have fun with the workout instead. Aim to work hard and put your best food forward and don’t worry about the number of calories you are burning! Moving is good for the heart and the muscles and it also releases mood stabilizing endorphins, and that’s the most important thing!

HIIT workouts aren’t always High Intensity Training

High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT, is all the rage and so many influencers are creating HIIT workouts all the time, but the important thing to note is that often times, these aren’t actualy HIIT workouts.

It’s important to realize that HIIT means that during active intervals you are giving 100% of your ability to the activity for the duration of time and you should be worked to exhausted by the time of the rep. (Think running 100 meter sprints at the track). I don’t know about you guys, but when I am doing a HIIT workout I am giving it a good amount of effort, but very little am I going so intensely that I feel like I am dying! In fact, I would never compare the fatigue I feel during a HIIT video to that of running sprints at the track.

More often than not HIIT videos online or Moderate Intensity Interval Training, which is a worthy activity in itself and should not be put down in anyway, but it’s just a little less intense than High Intensity and more than Low Intensity. You can still get a great workout in, but I think it’s important we talk about what the different intensity levels actually are because the spreading of false information can be damaging to the fitness community.

A lot of influencers putting out workout content aren’t certified trainers

I have done so many actually really fun workouts from different influencers but I have come to realize in that time that so many of them, even the most popular of them, aren’t actually certified fitness trainers. Sure they might have backgrounds in certain sports and may actually have a good idea of what they are doing, but many of them do not hold a certificate as “trainers.”

Why does this matter? It means that their advise might not always be accurate and should always be taken with a grain off salt. You have to do your own research on who you are following and the advise you are being given. Does it meet up with what you have read and learned or does it seem too good to be true or outlandish?

For me, when it comes to lifting and resistance training, I try to only follow certified trainers (such as Caroline Girvan) so that way I know the exercise advise I am being given, the guidance I am recieving, and the technique I am being shown is accurate. For things like dance or kickboxing cardio, I don’t care if I am following a certified trainer as I have some background in both and feel my form and technique will keep me from getting hurt. When it comes to HIIT and cardio I mix it up a lot but again, I take everything I hear wiht a grain of salt and make sure I am following everything with good form and technique.

Be your own fact checker when it comes to navigating online fitness!

Do Not listen to the nutrition advise of fitness influencers

The number of influencers I see put out workout challenges and “Nutrition guides” scares me so much! We’ve already discussed how many of them aren’t certified fitness trainers, but usually NONE of them are certified Nutritionists or Dieticians and yet they are claiming to have a nutrition plan that will work for you?

I have seen so many low carbohyrate meal plans that are suggested next to high cardio workout plans or low fat diets for slim down programs that I want to scream! Please, if you take anything away from anything I have ever said in this blog let it be this: DO NOT EVER FOLLOW THE NUTRITION PLAN FROM SOMEONE WHO IS NOT CERTIFIED! Especially if that nutrition plan is the same for everyone!

Nutrition should be individualized. What you eat to lose weight or change your body composition is not the same thing your next door neighbor or your mother or father needs! An individualized plan should be created for you, not something created by someone who has never met you or talked to you.

If you are following a seasonal fitness challenge or program, that’s amazing and if you enjoy it and it suites you go for it, but if that plan comes with a nutrition plan, please please please seek advise from a certified professional instead. It;s one thing to get meal ideas from a plan, but another to follow calorie or macronutrient suggestions from someone who is not trained in nutrition!

So what is the take home message here? Take everything with a grain of salt. A lot of crazy claims and clickbait titales exist out there so people can make a living off of fitness youtube. Find the type of activities you like to do, things that you will be able to sticfk with, and as long as you are having fun, stick with it! Do background research on the types of training you should be doing, learn proper techniques, and stay educated. Track your own calroie burn based on your own biology ONLY if tracking is condusive to your progress. If tracking is not for you THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW AND JUST HAVE FUN!

Navigating the online fitness world can be overwhelming and slightly intimidating but there are a lot of great workouts out there to try and find what works best for you, so I say give it a go and see what you like!

Who are your favorite fitness influencers? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,


3 Reasons I’m not going back to the gym

I did it guys. I got vaccinated! (Well, I got the first dose). I’m a front line worker, in a pharmacy, so we’re now witnessing a huge roll out on COVID-19 vaccinations and life has gotten CRAZY (why this blog is late, sorry about that!) Anyway, now that I’m a little more protected, I can feel my anxiety beginnig to decrease and I feel a little more comfortable about the world around me. That being said, I don’t think I’m going to be rushing back to the gym any time soon and it’s kind of crazy for me to be typing that right now because I always thought I needed a treadmill to get a good workout. Turns out I don’t, and I’m not even sure I’ll be returning to the gym. Today, I want to tell you guys why I think home workouts are just as great as gym workouts.

It’s way more convenient

I was NEVER a morning workout person. That was until I started doing home workouts and my gym became a place right across from my bedroom. Now, I wake up at 6am almost every day and get my workout in first thing in the morning before doing anything else. Why? It’s just so convienent. I don’t have to pack a gym bag, I don’t have to drive anywhere, I just roll out of bed, get dressed, and get it done right then and there. It’s made working out every day easy and convneient and I think that has become a large motivator in getting things done.

I learned in psychology that one of the best things to do to motivate people to workout is make their ability to do so easy, put equipment in an easy to see/access area, and make it so there are less excuses. Having my gym in my office is just what I needed to motivate myself to get it done.

I’ve Learned about Variety

If you look back on the contents of this blog in years past you’ll notice that almost all my workout content had to do with running. And running is great and I still love it as my first passion, but I’ve also learned that there is a lot more variety out there and I don’t need a treadmill to get that variety. I have learned to love biking, cardio kickboxing, and even weight lifting now that I haven’t been to the gym. And for now, I am able to happily do all those things from home. I’ve slowly been adding to the weights and equipment I have at home (and honestly it’s more cost effective to do that than pay for a gym membership).

Plus, I get to try new things all the time. With there being so many different trainers on youtube, I am always trying something new to see if it’s something I like or something that gives me a good workout. And I get to report back here with my findings, which is always so much fun! Variety works out the body and the mind and so far, I’m really getting to mix it up.

There are no people!

If you guys don’t know this about me, I don’t like people. Especially when I am trying to workout. When I’m running or working out, I’m there to get in my head space, maybe watch a movie if I’m running, and just get it done. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE TRY TO TALK TO ME AT THE GYM. I just want to get it done and do the thing in my quiet space. Plus, it ruins my flow if you interupt me. So not having people around is great.

Plus, not having guys around to watch me workout (for whatever reason they do it) is so much more comfortable than having to be aware that they are there. There’s nothing worse than that.

And of course, it let’s you focus on you and you alone. I know when I was running, I used to try to run faster and longer than the person nearest me and it really got to me after awhile. I was working out to show off more than I was working out for me. It became toxic and I don’t really want to rush back into that.

All in all, I think this working out from home thing has really made me fall back in love with working out for the sake of improving myself and myself alone and to be fair, I’m not ready to jump back into a potentially toxic environment again. I like what I have going on here and while it is working for me, I think I am going to continue to work with it. The only reason I might go back to the gym is to start putting long miles back in for half marathon training, but spring is right around the corner, so I might not even need to!

What do you guys like about home workouts? Have you been back to the gym? Are you excited to get back to the gym? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Thanks for you patience on this week’s late blog. School and work have both been insane this term and I’m having a hard time keeping track of time!

Until next time,


At home workouts I’m enjoying: December 2020

I think as I update my rotation of workouts this is becoming a regular type of blog post here. But since my gym is closed again (not that I’ve been going) I figured it was as good a time as any to update you guys on what at home workouts I’ve been enjoying lately. Especially with the winter weather (I don’t know about you guys but I hate running in the cold) and the holidays coming up, now is a good time to update the home workout routine.

So here are the workouts I have been enjoying lately. They are all available on youtube for free so you’ll have easy access to them!

Popsugar Fitness

When I started the popsugar fitness videos online I was fully ready for them to be watered down, easy to do workouts, but I have found that I really enjoy these workouts. Sure, they are a little easier than some of the others on this list (I have some really intense ones for you guys this rotation), but they offer a wide variety of different things at different levels and every video offers modifications for every level. This was great for after my surgery and I couldn’t do a lot of jumping or bending. I find their weight lifting videos are a little watered down for my taste, but for someone just starting to get into weight exercises, they can be a ton of fun. They also have a lot of low impact type workouts, again great for those who aren’t able to hit it too heavy.

Some of the trainers they bring on for these videos are absolutely amazing and I tend to gravitate towards the same ones each time: Rainer Pollard, Jeannette Jenkins, and Jake DuPree are three of my absolute favorites. They push you but encourage you all at the same time and I love how they make it feel like it’s a little community.

Some of my favorites include that tabata workouts they have (they have a 30 minute and a 45 minute tabata lead by Rainer), the cardio blasts by Jeannet Jenkins which combine cardio, kickboxing, and sculpting all together for one killer wokrout experience, their kickboxing classes, their barre classes for my active recovery days, and their ab workouts (Jake DuPree is an ab workout master and I love his short videos).

Overall, just a really fun channel to check out with a lot of options for everyone!

Caroline Girvan

How I stumped across Caroline’s videos I don’t even know, but it has changed my workout game completely. Caroline used to be a fitness trainer who worked out of her home gym, but when COVID hit, she had to shut down her business and she made the choice to begin instructing through youtube videos exclusively. Let me tell you, this girl is killing it! She knows what she is doing and she knows how to help you get results you want.

She offers a full online training program through her 10 week EPIC program, but also has a weekly workout calender she uploads every week. Now, while I like to change up my workouts and follow different people day to day, I am not kidding when I say you could just follow Caroline every single day and stil have amazing results and get a fully body experience. She uploads videos on everything from HIIT, tabata, cardio, to weight training of the legs, arms, and full body. And her workouts are intense. She knows what she is doing and she knows how to help you get results.

Her cardio classes are intense. I will tell you guys, I did a HALF HOUR of bupee variations this week (AND ENJOYED IT). She also has some high and low impact cardio interval workouts and some low and high impact weight training. She will give you the full experience and I have found that I do visit her workouts at least three or four times a week. She is exclusively the only person I use now for my weight training days as I feel like her workouts are the most effective.

Les Mills Grit

Now, there are only a handful of Les Mills Grit workouts available for free on youtube, but of the couple you will find you will not be disappointed if an intense cardio workout is what you are looking for. For a quick half hour workout, I can nearly promise that you probably have never been so out of breath and tired in your life. There’s a ton of jumping, a ton of burpees, and the entire thing is go, go, go. But the trainers are the most motivating people I have ever witnessed in my life and they make you want to push harder, past your limits, and they call everyone in their class (at home or in person) an athlete, and that makes me feel so godo about myself!

Fair warning, I have never sweat so much in my life either, but the feeling of accomplishment you have after finishing one of these workouts is absolutely amazing and worth every second of hardcore work!

Les Mills Body Combat

Another Les Mills type of class (more of these can be found on youtube). These are a little less intense than the GRIT classes, but this cardio kickboxing/mixed martial arts style of workout still leaves you out of breathe and dripping in sweat while feeling extremely powerful and accomplished.

I had dabbled in karate during my college years, but I gave it up because I found it a little dull. Now, cardio kickboxing is an entirely different game. I find this to be exciting, fun and really gets my heart pumping. I’m enjoying trying a different type of cardio and getting to work my body in a different way, plus Les Mills combines a ton of different types of fighting, choreographs it to certain music tracks, and makes it a super enjoyable experience. Again, the trainers are absolutely amazing and motivating and they make you feel like you are strong and powerful and give you a ton of encouragement and motivation along the way. These are definitely my favotire kickboxing type of workouts!

The Studio by Jamie Kinkeade

I have talked twice before about Jamie and her workouts, but I am still regularly using her dance cardio workouts week to week consistently loving her videos. She regularly live streams live classes now and leaves them available for several weeks so you feel like you are taking class with her and her studio family even though you might be in an different state or different country. Plus she uploads theme videos (she has a half hour or so video up now to Christmas music which has been a regular for me, and it’s a good workout!). Overall, I think I will just keep raving about how great Jamie’s videos are and I highly encourage you to check her stuff out!

What are some of the at home workouts you’ve been doing this year? Let me know if the comments below. I’m always looking to add something new!

Until next time,


Indoor Cardio/ Full-body Workout

The weather is finally getting nice, which means that it’s a lot easier to get outside and run and workout, but I don’t know about where you live, where I live, it’s rainy season. So that means that while some days I can get out there and get a run in, sometimes I’m stuck inside for days at a time. And while usually, it wouldn’t matter because I could go to the gym, the gym is still out of question for me and probably for most for awhile now. (Honestly, even when the gym opens back up, I don’t think I’ll be jumping right up to get there).

Anyway, today I wanted to share with you guys a Cairo and full-body circuit that I really like to do on days when I can’t get outside.

Cardio Circuit

  • Jumping Jacks (45 seconds)
  • Burpees (45 seconds)
  • Jog in place (30 seconds)

Do the above circuit 5 times total (total of 10 minutes)


  • Jog in place (30 seconds)
  • High Knees (30 seconds)
  • Squat Jumps (30 seconds)
  • Plank Jacks (30 seconds)

Do the above circuit 5 times total (total of 10 minute)


10-minute active cool down.

Usually, I will either put on a dance cardio video or just make up my own as I go depending on what I am listening to. I find that this 10-minute cooldown is very important to not only slowly bring the heart rate down but to also help to avoid pain from the cardio circuit.

Full Body Circuit

Circuit A

  • Push up with rotation (bring hand up and twist body)- 60 seconds
  • Plank up, up, down, down (down to elbows back up to hands)- 30 seconds
  • Weighted sit ups (Bring weight above head at top) – 1 minute
  • Weighted Russian twists (engage core and move slow)- 30 seconds

Do circuit A 3 times through for a full 9 minute


Circuit B

  • Narrow Chest Press (lying flat on ground) – 60 seconds
  • Weighted to touch – 30 seconds
  • Half and full bicep curls (alternating)- 60 seconds
  • Arm raises- 30 seconds

Do circuit B 3 times through for a full 9 minutes


Circuit C

  • Do Circuit A and B once through for a total of 6 minutes

Don’t have weights? Use cans or wine bottles as an alternative!

Let me know in the comments below if you give this a try! I promise it’s a killer!

Until next time,
