Period Tracking App Review: Clue

We’ve talked on the blog recently about the importance of tracking your period and what information that can lead you to.  You can really learn a lot about your body when you start to pay attention to it.  That’s why tracking your period can really help you understand your cycle and what is normal so you know when there are red flags you need to watch out for.

But the real question is HOW to track your period?  There are dozens upon dozens of apps that will track your period for you, and tell you what to expect with each period.  But what app is the best and how do they differ?  That’s something I want to tackle in 2018.  So I’m testing out a few different period tracking apps so you don’t have to and so you can find the one that works the best for you!

This week, we’re going to talk about one of the more popular period tracking apps, or at least one that I hear about all the time: Clue!  (This is not a sponsored segment on my blog, and all these opinions are completely of my own).

Clue overview

clue1Clue is a cleverly named tool that lets you clue in on your period.  It tracks your flow’s length, amount, and symptoms easily for you in one little app!  You can customize it to track the things you want to track such as flow, cravings, pain, emotions, sleep, and a lot of other things!

The interface of this app is very easy to use and simple to navigate, making tracking your period a simple task instead of a chore.   It will even remind you when your period is coming up so you’ll be prepared.


What it tracks

Clue will track a lot of different things for you.  First of all, it will track how long your average period is and how long the average length between your periods is. So, the more you use the app, the more data it will collect and it will be able to tell you when your period is about to start, very accurately by the way, and how long it is going to last for.

It will also calculate your fertility window and tell you when you are most fertile.  This is great if you are trying to get pregnant and need to plan!  It’s also great even if you aren’t trying to get pregnant because some women still have period symptoms like pain or spotting during this time of the cycle! Clue helps you track whether that is normal since you can go back and look month to month to see what each cycle looked like.

Clue also tracks your collection method (period, tampon, other), your cravings, digestion, fluid, hair, pain, skin, temperature, and weight.  Along with emotions, energy, motivation, sleep, social interactions.  You can also track activities such as exercise and sex along with any medications you are on such as the pill, IUDs, and of course whatever you take for period cramps (you can track those too!). And all of these tracking features are customizable, so if you don’t feel like you need to track one, you can take it out of your daily tracking options!

What I like about clue:

clue2I love how easy clue is to use!  As soon as I open the app the first thing that pops up is the icon to enter today’s data.  I don’t have to scroll through a calendar or through any complicated pages to enter data.  I just hit the big “Today” button and I have all my tracking options right there! It also makes tracking how heavy my flow is super easy giving me “light” “normal” “heavy” and of course “Spotting” options.  It also makes seeing my period overview very easy.  It’s all viewable from the homepage, I can see how long my period is going to last, where I am on that cycle, and what comes next so I always know what to expect.  And if I don’t want to read it there, I just have to switch over to the Calendar view, which is also very easy to read and use.

Clue_interface_and_calendarI love that I can so easily see my fertility window and can track all the same things throughout the entire month.  Seeing when I am spotting during this time has become extremely important to me and that’s very easy to read whether from the homepage or from the calendar.  Learning this about my period has been detrimental to me learning about my flow and my body!

It’s also very discrete on your phone.  The icon isn’t obvious it’s about your period and neither is the name.  You can also set a lock on it through the app so only you can open it!  That way no prying eyes have to know anything about your period that you don’t want them to.

You can also add someone else’s cycle to your tracking options, or you can invite someone to view yours if you are managing different people’s cycles.  So if you’re a parent and want to make sure that your daughter is regular, you can share the app together!

I also like that clue has a lot of information for you to read throughout the app.  It gives you info on what is normal during a period, why you should track certain things, and places to get more information.  It’s very helpful if you are first starting out your period or first starting out with tracking!

What I don’t like about clue:

The things I don’t like about clue are really nit picky because overall I have found it a very useful tool in understanding myself.

clue3The biggest downfall I find with clue is that although you can track a lot of different things, I find that the more you track, the harder it is to keep track of WHAT actually happened easily.  For example all the ailments, i.e. bloating, cramping, fatigue etc. go under the blue category.  So when you track them, they simply come up with a blue square on your calendar. So if you are tracking more than one ailment, you have to many little blue squares and can’t tell which is which until you click each individual day.  It’s certainly not the end of the world and usually I only track my cramps since that’s my biggest ailment.  I like to just be able to look at my period on a calendar and know exactly what happened on what day very easily.

screenshot_2018-01-11-00-11-20172910604.pngSimilarly, I find the analyzer on this app a little useless.  It takes a lot of getting used to in order to understand how to read it and what it all means.  It’s not in graphs or anything like that, so it’s an adjustment from what other apps offer.  That being said, it’s not the worst thing in the world, and I personally find I use the calendar to asses more than anything else, but I would personally prefer graphs or charts!

I love that this app easily tracks how heavy a flow is and that that is easy to read on the calendar (Based on how much red there is), but I wished this app (or any app really) calculated how much blood was estimated to be lost during a period.  Because sometimes people have heavy flows and sometimes people have EXTREMELY heavy days.  I just wish there was a more overall way to judge just how much blood (estimated) was shed.

Overall, I give Clue an 8.5/10.  I really like this app and plan to continue to use it for the long run.  It has changed the way I view my period and made me very aware of what is happening with my own body!

Do you use Clue?  What do you like about it and what do you think could be changed?  Let me know in the comments below.  Or let me know if you use a different period tracking app.  I would love to give it a try as well!  Let me know!

Until next time,


*All photos for this blog were found via google images and most of which belong to CLUE*

For women only: Why should you track your period?

calenderYou’ve probably heard it from your doctor every time you’ve gone it for a checkup: “When was your last period?”  And some of us have had to scour the backs of our minds trying to remember exactly what day our last period actually was, only to result in a lecture from the doc about how we should be tracking our period every, single month.

But what benefits does tracking our period actually have?  Besides shaving off a few awkward seconds at our doctor appointment, what’s the point of tracking how long and how heavy a period is each month?

Today, I want to dive into some of the benefits of tracking a period and why we should all be getting into the habit of doing so.

You know WHEN you’re period is going to happen.

After tracking your period for a few months, whether using a calendar or an app, it opens up doors for predicting your period.  Most apps will tell you a couple of days ahead of time that you’re period is due, and the apps do all the calculations for you to tell you what’s your normal start and end date.

That way if you’re like me and notorious for not carrying your feminine products with you daily, you at least have a heads up that it’s time to start preparing for your monthly friend.  It’s also nice because if you have particularly painful periods, you can start preparing your body by taking ibuprofen a few days before your period begins (at least this is what my doctor has always recommended to me, and tracking my period lets me know when I should start taking my medications).

You know if late is normal.

I had a friend who always worried she was pregnant because in her mind, her period was ALWAYS coming late.  Eventually she got sick of the pregnancy scares, and began to track her period.  Turned out that her cycle was a little odd but completely regular.  She would cycle between having her period about 26 days apart one month and the next month her cycle would be 35 days apart.  And this was completely normal for her.  It happened every time.  She wouldn’t have known this if she hadn’t began to track her period.

Tracking makes it really easy to know what your normal cycle is because it’s different for everyone.  Once you see it put on a graph or on a calendar, the world starts making a lot more sense.


You’ll know if something abnormal is happening. 

Tracking your period gives you a lot of control over what’s happening to your body.  You know when to be prepared for bleeding and you know what’s normal for you period.

Which also makes it really easy to detect when something ISN’T normal.  So say you are having an especially long period this time, or your last period was especially short, you’ll be the first one to know if that’s normal or not.  And that way, you can decide whether you need to see your doctor and you’ll be extremely informed when you sit down to have the conversation about your concerns.

For me, it’s been especially helpful to track my spotting between periods.  As an avid runner, I tend to have spotting in between my periods.  By tracking my spotting, I’ve been able to associate it with my PMS cycle and my runs.  I’m a little more likely to spot right before PMS than I am during any other work outs.  With that knowledge, I know when something out of the normal is happening.

Track your flow, pain, and your mood

Some people have really intense periods.  They are sick, moody, and in a lot of pain.  Sometimes this starts before the period, sometimes this is during, and for some it can even happen AFTER the period.

Thankfully, tracking your period lets you track all of these things.  You can track how you’re feeling throughout your entire cycle.  You can track your pain and how intense it is.  And you can even track how heavy your flow is.  It helps you determine once again what’s normal for you and why things are happening the way they are.

For example, flow is usually heavier for the first couple days of bleeding, but for some people it may vary.  I’ve noticed that day 2 and 3 are particularly bad for me and I can therefore plan accordingly.  I can also track my cramps, although in my time tracking my period, it hasn’t really helped me track down a real correlation between my cycle and my pain.

But that’s not the case for everyone.  I have a friend who religiously tracks her period as well and was noticing that she was having a lot of stabbing pain when she wasn’t even close to her cycle.  She later found out that the pain was totally normal and she was just experiencing pain in her ovaries when she was ovulating.  She wouldn’t have known that without tracking her period!

You can also track your PMS (most apps will tell you when PMS is happening or about to start) so you can track if there are any trends in your moods.  Do you get overly sad before your period? Overly angry?  You can finally have real proof to blame your moods on your period!

You’ll know when you’re fertile

If you’re trying to get pregnant, a tracking app can be your best friend.  They’ll let you know when you’re fertile and tell you the best time to get pregnant.  Or if you’re trying to avoid getting pregnant, you can know when to stay away or when to be a little more cautious.

Of course, that’s just a brief overview of tracking your period.  There are endless reasons you should be keeping in touch with what is happening to your body.

Tracking your period is all about becoming one with yourself and creating a personal relationship and understanding with your body and your cycle.  Just because we only menstruate 3 to 5 days of the month, that doesn’t mean our cycle is only happening for those days.  Our cycle is a daily part of our lives so it is up to us to work to understand what is normal so we can quickly act when something isn’t normal.  Tracking your cycle is the first step to helping establish that relationship.

And it’s easier than ever to track your period!  Now you don’t have to do it all on your calendar by yourself.  There are dozens upon dozens of apps out there that will help you to track your cycle!  I plan to review some of them in the future on this blog, but in the meantime, check some out for yourself!

Do you track your period?  What app do you use to do it?  Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,


For Women Only- Period Colds?p

As we know from last week, I was suffering from my second bout of the dreaded winter season flu.  It was certainly not fun, but it led to an interesting conversation I had with my mother just the other day. I was telling her how when my flu symptoms began, my period completely shut down.  My 5 day cycle became a 3 day cycle and that was that.  It makes sense, my body was under A LOT of stress while I was sick and I had a fever which is also known to shut down the menstrual cycle when it is very sudden.

common cold2What was interesting about the conversation with my mother was when she told me that when she was my age she used to experience cold and flu symptoms every time she was on her period.  I had never heard anything like that before.  None of my friends had ever mentioned anything like this before when we talked about our periods, so it seemed very odd to me.

So of course, being the little health and wellness blogger that I am, I did a little research on the mysterious “period cold” and found out that it really isn’t all that mysterious.  In fact, it’s actually kind of common among women and known as the period cold.

So today, I’m going to tell you a little bit more about this phenomenon, what it is, why it is, and what’s really going on with it.

What types of symptoms come with “Period Colds”

No two menstrual cycles are created equal.  We all know this.  Some people have light flows while other people have heavy flows.  Some people get their period every 28 days while others might get theirs once every couple of month and never know when it is coming.  Everyone experience different periods, which make them really hard to study and generalize for everyone.

Same goes with period colds.  Everyone reports a different set of symptoms and even sometimes those symptoms can vary between period to period.  Some women report having flu like symptoms including fever, headaches, dizziness muscle aches, coughs and runny noses, just as if they are getting sick.  Others report actual nausea or vomiting during PMS.   And other symptoms may even include, irritability, sensitivity to light and, loss of appetite (Florio, 2015).

These symptoms vary woman to woman.  Some women may not get any of these symptoms while others may get one or two and while others may get an onslaught of many of them.  And they may also change from period to period.

Are these symptoms normal?

All of the symptoms stated above are a natural and completely normal part of the menstrual cycle and are nothing to be alarmed about.

Why do we get Period Colds with our periods?

It’s actually pretty interesting because we consider these symptoms “cold and flu” symptoms, but really most of them are common symptoms of PMS.

Common, and completely normal, symptoms of normal PMS include mood swings (including irritability), fatigue, headaches, joint pain, bloating, and diarrhea.  This actually accounts for most of the “cold and flu” like symptoms that are experienced during a period.  PMS is a completely normal part of the menstrual cycle and almost every woman experiences some form of PMS at some point in her life (Mayo Clinic Staff).

The runny nose and cold like symptoms you feel during your period could also be caused by pre-existing allergy problems that become more prominent when hormones change.  However, if you don’t normally experience those symptoms during a normal part of the year, it may not actually be what is causing you to have problems during your period.

Another explanation lies within the prostaglandins which have a very interesting bit of science about them (Florio, 2015).

Prostaglandins work to heal injuries


The typical properties of prostaglandins within the body

Yupp, that’s right.  Prostaglandins are hormones that are created to help heal injury sites. They are completely created by the body when they are needed by the body. So when a tissue is damaged prostaglandins are released and create a reaction that causes pain, fever, and inflammation which will then spark the healing process. They also stimulate the formation of blood clots and the contraction of blood vessels when the body is bleeding (Hormone Health Network).

This sounds pretty familiar right?  Which is probably why in women prostaglandins assist in regulating reproduction and controlling ovulation.  The prostaglandins work to release our uterine lining and create our period flow.  This is part of the reason we feel cramps while we are menstruating—it’s our body attempting to heal while we’re bleeding.


Prostaglandins also work within the uterus 

However natural this is, and all women experience it in some form, for some, the effects can be a little more intense.  Some women experience extreme cramps and very heavy periods due to the prostaglandins.  Others experience other nasty effects such as vomiting, nausea, and achiness.  A lot like having the flu actually.  To combat this, you can begin taking ibuprofen a couple of days before your period to help fight inflammation and pain.  However, make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle and don’t overdo it (Florio, 2015).


I should call my doctor when…

Anytime you have a fever of 102 or over, you should call your doctor.  Also if the symptoms last long passed your period and don’t seem to be going away or are getting worse, seek medical attention.  And finally, if you experience these symptoms and it is not normal for your period something else may be going on.  After all, you know your period best.  You know what is normal and what is not normal. Sometimes when things with your period begin to change it means it is time for a serious chat with your OBGYN.

Do you experience any cold and flu like symptoms when you’re on your period?  What do you do to help relieve the pain and unwanted feelings?  Let me know in the comments below.

What other questions do you have about your period and menstruation?  Let me know what future blogs you’d like to see!

Until next time,



Sources and further reading:

Florio, G.M. (2015).  Feeling Sick on Your Period?  5 Questions About “Period Colds” answered.  Bustle.

Mayo Clinic Staff.  Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).  Mayo Clinic.

Hormone Health Network. What does Prostaglandins Do? Endocrine Society.


For Women only: Why do I crave chocolate when on my period?

chocolateYou can almost always tell when it’s coming.  Not only can you probably schedule it, but you can always feel the differences in your body.  The bloating comes along with the pains and not to mention that sudden craving for carbs and sugar, especially chocolate.  And then you’re stuck with that feeling for an entire week.  You feel like you could eat a chocolate bar or two everyday when you’re on your period, but the question is why?  Why do we feel this way when we’re menstruating?  Is there some hormone telling us that we should be eating chocolate?  Is there some scientific reasoning that says chocolate makes us feel less painful?  What’s going on here?

Truth be told, there are a lot of differing medical ideas out there about why exactly we crave chocolate when we’re pre-menstrual and menstruating.  There’s no 100% scientifically proven reason out there, although experts think they’re starting to get closer and closer to an answer.

So today I want to tell you ladies about a couple of the theories out there that may explain why you want to reach for the chocolate bar right before your period hits you.

What’s going on inside during your period?

Let’s first look at what’s going on inside of you when you’re on your period.  Menstruation comes in phases, something we have spoken before about on this blog, but I would like to cover again.

In stage 1, the follicular phase, the ovary follicles begin to develop.  During this phase, many follicles are lost, however some grow to fill the antrum, one of which will go to full maturity and then be discarded. This growth is stimulated by the hormone FSH along with estrogen.  However, estrogen levels do not increase until the end of this phase.

In stage 2, the Luteal Phase, the wall of the matured follicle ruptures and antral fluid begins to flow, carrying an oocyte to the ovary’s surface. This follicle becomes the corpus luteum which secrets estrogen and progesterone and causes LH hormone levels to rise.  The oocyte then enters the uterine tube and if not fertilized, is degenerated to a scar tissue.  At the end of the phase, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease.

sportsmdStage 3 is the menstrual phase in which the dead tissue of the uterus causes the lining of the uterus to shed.  This is when bleeding takes place for 4-7 days.  During this time, estrogen and progesterone levels are still low.

During the Stage 4, the Proliferative phase, the uterus renews itself in preparation for the restarting of the cycle (Stanfield).

Some professionals believe you crave chocolate due to hormones

Amanda Bontempo, M.S., R.D. dietitian at New York University Langone Medical Center states that your hormones are at blame for the craving of sugary and fatty foods before your period.

She says that during the time of your pre-menstrual cycle, the hormone cortisol, which reacts to stress, spikes and the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for you feeling good, dips.  This fluctuation actually makes your body crave food with sugars and fats because they boost up your levels of serotonin which combats cortisol.


However, one sugary snack, which will boost you up and make you feel good, will eventually cause you to crash and make you crave yet another sugary snack.

Eliminating processed foods, caffeine, and bad carbs in the weeks leading to your period can actually help you decrease these cravings.  Instead focus on fruits, veggies, and lots of protein! ( Oerman, 2014).

Some professionals believe you crave chocolate due to the stress of coming bleeding

According to neuroscientist, Dr. Amy Jo Stavnezer, women only crave chocolate before bleeding and when bleeding begins, they stop craving chocolate all together.  During those days before your period begins, estrogen and progesterone levels are low suggesting that it may not be due to hormonal increases.  Instead, she believes that our cravings for chocolate are actually due to the stress of the coming bleeding and our culture.

Periods are stressful after all.  They hurt, we feel like crap, and they last way too long.  And what have we been taught to do to deal with stress?  Eat chocolate.  So, the suggestion here is that it’s basically a cultural reinforcement.  If we eat chocolate we’ll feel better or we reward our selves for getting through such a rough, unpleasant time.

In fact, there are actually some studies out there that suggest that there are cultural differences in period chocolate consumption.  Switzerland, Ireland, and the UK have the most chocolate consumption.  So if I have any Swiss, Irish, or British readers out there, share in the comments if you crave chocolate right before and during your period and if you always reach for a chocolate bar to satisfy your sweet tooth! (Albers, 2014).

There is no definite answer

These are only two theories done by two very well trained, but highly differing, professionals on why we crave chocolate.  In reality it may be one, it may be the other, or it may be a mixture of the two.  There may also be other theories out there that I did not come across in my research for an answer.  I’ll link some other articles that also had similar answers as well, so you can read for yourself what some of the theories are.  You can come up with your own theory of why YOU crave chocolate.  The important take home message is that it’s completely normal and you are certainly not alone in your cravings.

For me, I think it’s a mix of both these theories.  My periods always seem very stressful to me throughout, so it is very possible that my stress hormone levels have risen.  However, I also seem to only crave chocolate when I am cramped, so I highly suspect that I reach for that chocolate bar as an attempt to lighten my mood and “reward” myself for getting through my period!

What do you think of these theories?  Why do you think you crave chocolate during your period? Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time,


Sources and further reading:

Albers, S. Psy.D. (2014). Why Do I Crave Chocolate During My Period? Psychology Today.

Oerman, A. (2014). Q&A: Why DO I Always Crave Sugary, Fatty Foods Before My Period? Women’s Health.

Stanfield, C.L. (2013). Principles of Human Physiology.  Pearson. 5: 649-654.


McKenna, A (2011). Why do We Crave Chocolate on our Periods? Emerita.

Go Ask Alice.  Chocolate Cravings and PMS.  Columbia University.