I tried different at home dance cardio options so you don’t waste your time

Even though my gym is open again, I am far from ready to get back to the treadmill, especially because we have been seeing a rise in cases in my state and county. For that reason, I still have been making use of those at home fitness workouts, many of which I will be reviewing for you guys so that you don’t feel like you’re wasting your time muddling through a ton of bad workouts in order to find the best ones.

I’ve been trying to incorporate fun dance cardio workouts into my normal routine because the same series of doing burpees and high knees gets really boring on days I can’t get out to run. People swear by their dance cardio routines, saying they are a ton of fun and a great workout, so I tested out a few different options to let you guys know what works best. All of these workouts can be found on youtube and are easy to do at home without equipment.

The Fitness Marshall

This is probably the most popular dance cardio on youtube, at least among the fitness pages I follow. Each video is a song long, usually from a popular song currently on the radio, and last about 3 to 5 minutes long. On the youtube channel, there are playlists available that offer multiple videos in a row so you can do a full workout. There are also a few full 30-minute workout videos on the channel.

Is this a good workout? I honestly don’t think so. I never really work up much of a sweat doing these videos and they don’t target any certain areas of the body. Are they fun? Definitely. The guy who runs this channel is so much fun to dance with and he is super body positive and encouraging! It’s 10/10 fun, but probably only about a 4/10 effective, at least at my fitness level.

How can you use these workouts? I think if you are a beginner at fitness, this is a great place to start. These videos are low intensity and fun and will get you moving! I think while it wasn’t effective for me, it would be effective for someone just starting their fitness journey.  For me, I like to use these videos as an active recovery in between resistance circuit training. It’s a great way to keep my body moving between circuits and a way to unwind and prepare for the next circuit.


The youtube channel MadFit is my favorite dance cardio page. She offers anywhere from one song of dance movement to 15-minute dance party workouts that are super fun to complete and actually feel like a decent workout. They often target certain areas of the body (she does a lot of arms and legs in her movements) while also incorporating fun dance moves. I work up a decent sweat doing these workouts though I don’t feel like I am fully out of breath and dying during the movements. She also uses current music and dance moves to make the workouts feel fresh and fun. She does not talk during the exercises, so you are really on your own when doing these, but it does allow you to just focus on the movement and the music, which I actually kind of enjoy. I give these workouts an 8/10 for effectiveness and a 10/10 for fun.

The Studio by Jamie Kinkeade

Holy crap. That’s all I have to say about these workouts. They are intense and not for those who are new to working out in this way. These workouts say they are a dance cardio fun workout, but they are a lot of work! They target core areas and alternate movements like lunges and arms with cardio from song to song. It’s intense and keeps you moving anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes. I don’t do a ton of these videos just because it feels like a lot of work and honestly, I didn’t find them that fun. When I’m looking for dance cardio often times I am looking for something that hits both the fun and the good workout category. I use these workouts when I am really looking to push myself and sweat. I give these workouts a 10/10 on workout and a 4/10 on fun.

Eva Fitness

I don’t know how I got recommended this page, but these are supposed to be fat burning Aerobic Dance workouts lead by three women, who like Madfit, don’t talk during their routine, they just dance. Most of these workouts are about 30 minutes, though some are longer, and they are a slightly odd combination of movements that I wouldn’t actually consider dancing but I wouldn’t call body weights either. They have very repetitive arm movements and leg sways with a lot of ab crunching, so I can where the effectiveness of the workout comes in, but I would consider it something more like old school jazzercise than anything else. They don’t use current music, in fact, in most cases, the music doesn’t even have words, but it’s just a really heavy beat and bop type of music.

What did I think of it? I was very suspicious of this workout, I won’t lie. I didn’t know what to expect with it, but I went ahead and gave it a try anyway. For a thirty-minute workout it definitely went by fast and I wasn’t bored at any point. I had a hard time interpreting some of the moves, which made me struggle a little, but overall it wasn’t bad. I woke up sore the next morning, which felt a little odd for what the workout was, so I guess it did something, whether that was a good something or a bad something (soreness can also occur from muscles being worked out incorrectly). I think this again, could be very effective for someone who is new to working out or someone who needs a lot of low intensity. This did not include any jumping or movements that could be dangerous if you have bad knees are ankles.

Overall, I would give this a 7/10 for effectiveness and an 8/10 for fun. I don’t know if I’ll be jumping to try another one of these again soon, but we’ll see.

Keep in mind, these are just my experiences and they will greatly differ from someone else’s. I encourage you to try these workouts for yourself and see if you enjoy them and if they are effective for you! We’re all different in our preferences, so don’t knock it till you rock it!

What is your favorite dance cardio workout? Let me know in the comments below! I’m looking to try even more out in the future! Also, let me know how you’re staying fit during these weird times.

Until next time,


4 Products I Won’t Buy Again

Full disclaimer guys—things change!  Everything has the ability to change, whether it’s the season, the style of clothing we wear, or our opinions.  Oh yeah, those change too.  And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with opinions changing.  We’re allowed to like something one day and then decide, after careful reasoning, that we don’t like it anymore.  And this can certainly be said for some of the beauty products I have reviewed on this blog before. Some things that I used to like, I don’t like anymore and some things that worked for me for a little while don’t work for me anymore.

So today, I wanted to be completely honest with you guys and tell you about some products I have reviewed in the past and tell you why I won’t buy them again.  This way you can make a more informed decision if you’re thinking of trying these products for yourself.  Of course, these are just my opinions and I’m just one person.  This doesn’t mean these products won’t work better for you or someone else you know.  That’s all up to you to find out!  But here are my changed opinions.

Lush’s Skin Drink

skin drinkFor those who don’t remember when I reviewed this product a long time ago, this is a skin moisturizer, specially for the face, that has natural sun block properties as well.  Back then I was so excited about this product, especially because at the time I was living in California and my skin was going through A LOT of harsh sun and wind.   I also really loved the fact that I could mix it with a little bit of foundation and it would cover my face well with that slightly tinting moisturizer (after all the product already has a slight skin tone shade to it so it mixed well with my light ivory foundation).

And at first this worked out great for me.  I absolutely loved it.

Until I didn’t anymore.

And when I fell out of love, I fell hard.

I don’t know if it was just my skin this was happening to, but this moisturizer seriously clogged up my pores and I was breaking out all over my cheeks. (Whether I was mixing it with foundation or not). This was really frustrating for me because when I have huge break outs on my face, the pimples are usually really tiny and there are a lot of them, making it hard to get rid of.

I tried to proactively treat my acne at the same time I was still using this moisturizer, hoping I could make two products work together to give me a happy face, but the break outs didn’t subside until I stopped using the “Skin Drink” all together.

So it’s safe to say, for my skin at least, I won’t be using this product again.  I still adore Lush and I think there might be some product out there that could help me out in this, but I just haven’t found the one yet.  For now a light SPF BB or CC cream will have to do.

Shea Moisture’s Manuka Honey and Mafura Oil Intense Hydration Shampoo & Conditioner

sm1Technically, I am calling this two separate products even though it’s going all under one category, because when it really comes down to it, I’m not a huge fan of either the shampoo or the conditioner anymore and I’ll tell you why.

Let’s start with the basics.  At first this shampoo and conditioner really seemed to work for me.  My hair felt moisturized and it did a decent job at taming it and keeping everything at bay.  Six or so months in now though, I’m finding that my hair feels very no matter what I do with it, even with this intense hydration shampoo and conditioner.  Even when my hair is wet it feels intensely dry.  I am also not a huge fan of my hair’s texture with these products either.  Lately my hair just looks greasy and instead of making my natural waves look bouncy and voluminous, they look heavy and generally not very pretty.  I find that it’s like this whether I use the products together or with other products as well.

sm2Plus the shampoo is inconsistent.  Which I understand is common with more naturally based products, but I don’t like the fact that the last bottle I picked up had shampoo in it that was the consistency of water.  It was so thin that it didn’t even sit in my hand without spilling everywhere.  Definitely not normal for shampoo.

I am hoping that this didn’t work well for me lately because my hair built up too much residue.  After all, I really do love this company and everything that they stand for.  I still want to buy some products from them, but I might not be getting my main shampoo and conditioner from them anymore.

Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen and Grow Leave in Conditioner

sheaThis is a product I never reviewed before on my blog, but that’s mostly because I NEVER fell in love with it.  And simply, I think it just doesn’t work for my hair type.

After about a month of trying to get this leave in conditioner to work for my hair after washing, I just haven’t been able to get down with it.  My hair never felt more hydrated after using it.  It never helped to tame my frizz.  And it made my hair look heavy and lifeless.

I never felt like it helped my hair grow or helped to strengthen it either.  If anything, my fallout was just as bad as ever when I was running this product through my hair after washing my hair.

I definitely don’t think it’s a flaw of the product though.  It has some great reviews online.  More or less I think it just isn’t for my very fine, wavy hair type.  It’s a little too oily for my hair and leaves too weird of a residue on my locks.

I really wanted to make this product work, especially because I dished out almost $12 for it, however, I just don’t think this leave in conditioner was in the cards for me.

I still hope to find a brand that is sulfate free, does no animal testing, and is hydrating for my shampoo and conditioner, but we’ll see if I ever can!

So those are just a couple of the products I have tried that just weren’t for me.  I love both of these companies and I love that they provide all natural and cruelty free beauty options.  I also love that some of them are vegan based which is an huge added bonus.  However, some of their products just don’t work for me.

This doesn’t mean they won’t work for you though, so you should definitely give them a try if you think they might be good for you.  I’d love to hear your own feedback in the comments below.

Until next time,



Perfectly Posh Product Review

It seems like these days everyone is selling something.  From jamberry nail wraps, to LuLaRoe leggings without fail someone always seems to be finding something new to shove down your throat.  I try to be supportive of my friends who sell things like this, but honestly, I just find most of these items useless and I never want to fork out the cash that those products cost.

poshBut when someone approached me about the skin care line Perfectly Posh saying they were having an online selling party for the products, I was actually interested.  As you guys know, I love trying out different skin care products to review on this blog.  I’m always looking for good, inexpensive but quality products to use on myself!

Perfectly Posh is a U.S. based company that makes natural skin care products.   The company doesn’t use any fillers or “controversial ingredients” in their products.  This includes substances such as palm oil, which is derived in a sustainable method for all Posh Products.  Perfectly posh does no animal testing and a good majority of their products are vegan.

That was what really drew me to Perfectly Posh.  It seemed a lot like Lush but honestly was a little bit more affordable for my budget.  So I went ahead and grabbed a few products for myself to give them a try.  That’s why today I want to tell you about the products I tried and what I thought of them!

All Fall Down: Big Fat Yummy Hand Crème  

all fall downI actually got this as a free gift from the online party I was a part of, but as far as free gifts go, I really have enjoyed this hand Cream.  It’s made with apricot kernel oil, coconut oil, vitamin E, and aloe and smells like a pear and cranberry mix.  It smells very fall, and we all know that I love fall!  The smell does linger for awhile, so I definitely see that as a pro.

It comes in a 3 fl. oz. container, which seems small, but it’s just a hand cream so a little lasts for a long time.  It is a good moisturizer.  I haven’t used it on my hands in the really bad dry hands weather, so I can’t say how durable it is compared to other moisturizer I use when my hands are literally bleeding in winter, but for a spring time moisturizer, I do like it.

Personally, I’m not a fan of the name “Big Fat Yummy Hand Crème” it seems a bit excessive to me and not very appealing, but that aside, I do think they are good products.

The All Fall Down was a seasonal scent so it isn’t available online anymore, but there are plenty of other Hand Cremes that are available that would run you for $6.

Enchant Tress: Protective Hair Serum

enchantressI haven’t decided if I really like this product or not, it’s a hair serum that is supposed to protect your hair from heat treatment, like hair drying, and calm frizz.  Of course, it’s an oil based product being made from Kukui (my all time favorite) oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil to polish and tame hair.  You can use it on wet or dry hair to maintain frizz.

The thing I don’t like about it is the fact it is so heavily oiled.  Which, I should not have been surprised about, but has me wondering if it’s the right product for my hair type.  It just makes my hair look excessively greasy instead of polished and tamed.   Now, this might just be a coincidence of my hair type (which honestly I wouldn’t be able to tell you what type that is) since it makes my waves look oily.

Now with that being said, the product does tame frizz a little and I’m sure it’s protecting my hair from blow drying, which I do a lot.  So it works; it just doesn’t look great with my hair.

However, it smells AMAZING! I adore the tropical smell and I don’t think I will ever get tired of it!

The bottle is relatively small, about 1.95 oz. which had me really worried with my hair length (I have at least 24 inches worth of hair), but I was surprised at how little it took to cover my entire head.  That bottle will run you $19.00.

Cackle Spackle: Detoxifying Face Mask

cackle spackleCackle Spackle is a face mask that contains charcoal powder, volcanic ash, kaolin clay, and spearmint. It’s said to “detox” you, but the work detox is kind of a misleading term.  It doesn’t pull any toxins out of your body.  What it does do is deep-cleans your face and pulls out the dirt and grime from your pores, leaving you with a fresh, clean face. The spearmint and eucalyptus also helps to tone your skin.

I really like this face mask.  I’m not sure it if it really is any better than any other mask I’ve used from Lush, but it’s definitely better than some mud masks I’ve picked up at Ulta.  This doesn’t cause my skin to break out at all and it leaves my face feeling very fresh and clean.

The spearmint can cause the skin to tingle and slightly “burn” especially on dry skin areas, so I wouldn’t suggest this if you have chronic dry skin.  However, if you have normal to oily skin, this should work just fine for you.

I use it about once a week and really enjoy it.  A small amount of it covers the face well.  The smell is great.  At first I worried that the black charcoal color would stain my skin and my washcloth but the product washes easily off the face and just using water and a little soap I am able to completely clean my washcloth.  No stains.

A 2 oz. container of this face mask will run you $19.

Call it a Night: Nighttime Facial Oil

call it a nightThis is nighttime oil that is said to help you fall asleep and wake with soft skin.  This oil uses safflower seed oil, jojoba oil, rosemary oil, lime oil, lavender and evening primrose along with vanilla, olive, pomegranate, and green tea extracts to help you fall asleep and moisturize your skin while you sleep.

I bought this because I was looking to replace my kukui nut oil, which was running low and I was willing to try something new.  I was a little nervous when I first tried this because it smelled very strongly of lavender.  (Not that I don’t adore the smell of lavender, just sometimes my face completely breaks out from using fragranced items).  However, I did not break out from using it.

I can’t say I’ve noticed a big difference in my skin with using this oil.  I honestly haven’t been using it religiously every single night, but I haven’t had a lot of dry skin outbreaks since using it, but I also haven’t really noticed that my skin looks more “well rested” at all.  I do think the lavender scent helps me to fall asleep at night, which is great considering I am such an insomniac.

This 1 oz bottle of oil will cost you $18.00

Moisturize 911: Caffeinated Face Crème

moisturize 911I only used a small sample size of this moisturizing face crème, and I tried it after the party was over, but I instantly regretted not purchasing it.  But no worries, it’s on my wish list for my next Posh order.

I’m really picky about what moisturizer I put on my face because even the products that seem like they are going to be great cause me to break out.  I’ve gone through my fair share of Lush products that cause me to break out.  So when I got a sample of this product, I was a little cautious about trying it.  But after having a spell of dry skin on my cheeks, I figured why not give it a try out.  Instantly I fell in love.  I didn’t break out from it and it really helped my dry skin!

This product uses natural glycerin and caffeine to help tighten and brighten your skin. It also uses aloe vera and vitamin C and E to help moisturize the skin!  It has a very citrusy smell, probably from the orange oil used in it!

Again, I absolutely adore this product so far and hope I won’t be disappointed when I buy the full 4 oz package which will cost me $19.

Now these are just a couple of the Perfectly Posh products that I tried.  There are so many more out there to fit whatever need you may have!  And the products change seasonally so there’s always something new to try!

Be warned there is a flat shipping rate of $5.99 which, trust me, I realize is pricey.  So you might not want to just buy one thing at a time.  Also you technically need to purchase all products through a consultant, but if you don’t know anyone, the website can let you look up a consultant near you, or any random consultant.  (They really aren’t NEEDED for the purchase since everything is online so you don’t even have to really interact with your consultant if you don’t want to).

All the products I have so far tried are vegan, which I love.  And I like knowing I am getting natural products that work!

Have you ever tried Perfectly Posh?  Let me know what you tried and if you loved it in the comments below!

Until next time,



*All photos from this post are taken from the Perfectly Posh Website.  Check out their website for more information and to order!

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Review

hpatccSo I’m a little late to the game and I just recently finished reading “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part 1 and 2” by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne.  Honestly, I blame most of that on the fact that I literally could only read a handful of pages at a time before needing to put the book down and walking away from it.  I have a lot of thoughts on this script, most of them are not very cohesive and I know this review is going to be all over the place, but I did want to summarize my thoughts on this play and let you guys know what I thought.

I do warn you that this blog is going to contain A TON of spoilers.  I am literally going to spoil everything from start to finish, so if you haven’t read the play yet, you should not read this blog. I warned you.

So, without further ado, here’s my jumbled mess of thoughts on “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.”

Finally a positive representation of Slytherin house

I am going to start out with the positive thing.  One of the very few positive things that I can probably say about this script.  In the very beginning we find out that Harry’s youngest son Albus Severus is sorted into Slytherin House.  This isn’t too much of a shock since at the very end of Book 7 we find him struggling over the fact that he does not want to be sorted into Slytherin.  So let’s be fair, if we’re going to create conflict right off in a story that revolves around Harry Potter’s son, what else are we going to have happen than him be sorted where he doesn’t want to?

But this is one of the only things in the story that works.  Albus befriends Draco Malfoy’s son Scorpius and the two quickly become best friends.  Scorpius is the exact opposite of what his father was when he was in school, and as a result we actually end up with two good wizards in Slytherin House.  These are two boys who have only good intentions and actually represent all the good qualities of Slytherin House: ambition, cunningness, and even eventually pride, although it takes them awhile to get there.

As a Slytherin myself it is a relief to finally have a written example in the Harry Potter universe that not all Slytherins are bad guys.  For years I have had to suffer through people telling me I couldn’t possibly be a Slytherin and then give me a handful of reasons as to why.  The truth has always been that not all Slytherins become bad wizards and now we finally have proof from the creator of the universe herself.

That being said, do any of the characters actually act like themselves?

One of the biggest complaints towards this script that I have heard from almost everyone who reads it is that no one acts like themselves.  And I would have to say I totally agree with that.  Ron seems far too dim and is represented as a jokester.  Neither of which qualities he represented as a teenager.  Harry is an insufferable douche bag, much like we would have found James to be, but very unlike Harry himself.  In this script Harry is very self centered and a terrible father. I would have never expected this from him at all.

We even see an alternate reality version of Snape who does not act at all like Snape would ever act and it takes away from a serious form of realism here compared to the original 7 novels.

Overall, it is very hard to see the same characters from the original novels in this script, and it’s almost easier to assume that these are not the same characters at all and that this is not the same world at all, a point I will get to later on in my review.  But either way, these characters just don’t seem like themselves at all and it makes reading very difficult.

It’s also hard to read because the writing is insufferable and the story line makes no sense

I had to put this book down every few pages because either the story line was so far out there and didn’t make sense, the characters were acting so out of character that it didn’t make sense, or because the one liners were just so insane that I couldn’t handle it.  It was such a distracting reading experience that it was actually kind of painful and I would either get angry from how ridiculous it was or I would laugh because it was so hard to take seriously.

I can name a few of the examples that stuck out for me in this situation.

For starters, when Scorpius is first introduced to us, it is quickly learned that it is suspected he is actually the son of Voldemort.  Rosie points out that this cannot be possible, not because the fact that it would be hard to rationalize that sort of time traveling, not because there is no way Voldemort would want an heir, but because Scorpius has a nose. That’s the determining factor in whether or not Scorpius is the son of Lord Voldemort according to his peers.  And not to mention the fact that Draco is so concerned that people actually think this when in fact it is actually the most ridiculous rumor out there.

And then the scene when Albus and Scorpius try to sneak off the Hogwarts Express and the Trolly Lady attacks them with pumpkin pasties that are in fact, actually bombs.  Not only does this scene not read out well, and I cannot even imagine how that scene ACTS out on stage, but the entire idea around it is so fantastical that it doesn’t even fit in the world of Harry Potter.  It’s just too far out there.  How did she get on top of the train? How did she know they were there?  Why are the treats bombs?  What is going on here?  It makes no sense!

In fact, a lot of scenes read out to be too fantastical to actually be able to be played out on stage.  I was confused more than I was not on how the descriptions between dialogues are actually able to be played out on the stage. They aren’t very descriptive as far as stage directions go and they really don’t do a good job at describing what really is happening.

For example every single time the time turner is used “Time stops.  And then it turns over, thinks a bit, and begins spooling backwards, slowly at first….and then it speeds up.”  Okay, so whimsical it is, but this exact description is used every time the time turned is used (probably a dozen times alone), and to be fair I don’t even know what it means let alone do I know how to picture it to happen on stage.  And this sort of thing happens a lot. It’s like the writers tried to bring the whimsy of Harry Potter out but missed the mark when it came to actually making sense and painting a real picture.  I just could not make the scenes play out in my head.

And then there are the horrible one liners and the really basic and boring dialogue between characters.  A lot of times the dialogue seems too fast paced and back and forth and it’s hard to keep up with it when you’re reading it, let alone how you would be able to catch up when you were watching it play out on stage.  The pacing is just so off in a lot of the scenes in this play.

Overall, between the plot, which we will get more into, and the writing itself, this story has really missed its point and it left me highly disappointed.

Speaking of bad plot, it makes no sense for Delphi to exist

Now let’s get to the one thing that really bothers me: Delphi.

Throughout this entire story Delphi was one of those characters I just did not understand.  Who was she?  Why was she even there? And was I even supposed to care about her?  She seemed to pop up in the most random of places with no explanation.  How did she get to Hogwarts in that one scene?  That shouldn’t have even been possible.  Why was she so obsessed with young teenagers who were some twenty years younger than her?  And why did Albus and Scorpius go along with it?  Did their parents not teach them not to talk to strangers let alone time travel with them?  The entire Delphi thing never seemed right to me, but I didn’t expect her to become the antagonist in the end.

And despite all the conditioning towards expecting someone to be the child of Voldemort, the idea seemed so radical that I never actually expected someone in the story to end up being the heir of Voldemort let alone for it to be Delphi.  Because here’s the thing: it just isn’t a thing that could happen.

Sure, there was plenty of opportunity for Bellatrix to become pregnant after she escaped from Azkaban and before she died, and we certainly can’t deny that that is something that SHE would have probably wanted.  But come on guys, does anyone actually think that Voldemort wanted an heir?  Does anyone actually believe that he would seek out spreading his genetics?  After all, the man went out of his way to kill his entire family and now you’re trying to tell me he wanted to make a family of his own?  I don’t think so.  And besides that, the man was pretty certain he was invincible.  That was the entire point of the Horcruxes wasn’t it? To make sure that if he died he could come back again?  So why would he need an heir to carry out his legacy?  He didn’t.  End of story.  Voldemort having a kid is completely out of character for him and it just doesn’t make sense.

And even if in some accidental case, Voldemort did have a child and did let it get carried to term, the rest doesn’t make sense.  Why does no one know about Delphi?  If she was born in Malfoy Manor, why do none of the Malfoys recognize that she exists?  Why doesn’t Draco know that she exists?  Surely he had to have known that his aunt was pregnant, that’s a hard thing to hide, even if your kid is at boarding school, he comes home for breaks.  And then why did they give her away to a complete unknown of a family?  What was the point of all of that?  Were they simply trying to save her from being taken away by the wizard cops (yeah, that’s a technical term for the magical police enforcement)?  Still, plenty of people would know who she was and where her origins were from, especially Draco.  To me, it just doesn’t add up.  To me, Delphi just should not exist.

In my honest opinion, this is really just someone’s fan fiction.  After all, plenty of people ship Bella and Voldemort, so I am sure plenty of people find this perfectly acceptable, but I just cannot buy into it.

Speaking of things I cannot buy,Cedric’s importance cannot be that substantial  

The biggest surprise in this story for me was how the entire balance of the world rested on the shoulders of one of the most minor characters in the entire Harry Potter franchise: Cedric Diggory, the spare himself.

I never expected, and I actually found it rather ridiculous, that this story would revolve so much around the fate of Cedric.  Whether he lived, whether he died, and whether he won the Tri Wizard Tournament all changed the entire future, and really that just didn’t make sense, and honestly in the end it all seemed very pointless as well, considering they all went back to Godric’s Hallow in the end and Cedric really had nothing to do with it.

First of all, somehow Cedric losing the battle against the dragon determined whether or not Albus was sorted into Slytherin or Gryffindor which makes 100% no sense at all.  After all, you get sorted by your personality and Cedric literally had no stock in who Albus Potter was.  It makes a little bit of sense that Ron and Hermione didn’t get together because of the menace of the past, but it also doesn’t explain why Hermione became such a prick towards Harry’s child in school.  Most of that alternative reality made little sense.

But that one made more sense than the one where Cedric lives and becomes a death eater.  Because, excuse me, but A. Cedric is a Hufflepuff and there have literally never been any dark wizards to come out of Hufflepuff, it’s just seriously uncharacteristic of them. And B. Cedric isn’t the type to become a dark wizard because he was embarrassed.  Cedric would more or less be the type to shake it off, laugh it off with his friends, and do something totally epic to make it up and impress everyone at school.  I mean, literally all the guy would probably have to do is run his hand through his hair, take his shirt off, and flex some muscles, and all the girls would be swooning again.  He would not become a death eater.  So why in this alternative reality did he become a death eater and why did he kill Neville Longbottom, a wizard he had no beef with at all? No, it makes no sense.

Again, this is clearly just a poorly thought out fan fiction of someone who wanted to see a world where Voldemort was alive and at power.  And yeah, it was kind of fun to imagine that world, and it was kind of fun to see Draco as the head of Magical Law Enforcement and Scorpius as a little Draco, but it wasn’t plausible in the actual storyline.  I actually have a hard time believing that J.K. Rowling put her name on this work and endorsed it.

At what kind of time theory are we working under?

While we’re talking about serious plot malfunctions, let’s talk about the heart and soul of the actual plot and that would be time travel via time turner.  In this entire story we’re constantly being taken back in time as Albus and Scorpius try to fix the past to keep Cedric Diggory alive, and then to try to fix their mistakes of messing with the space time continuum.  This plot has been done time and time again so this story was really nothing insanely special on its own, but one thing did stick out to me.  The topic of time travel seemed to be highly left without research when it came to this topic.  It overall just seemed like the writers never really took time to research time travel theories and it showed in the massive confusion all the characters had about it as well.

See, there are two main theories of time travel: multiverse theory where every time you travel back in time a new world is created and that alternative reality exists at the same time the reality you left also exists.  In this theory you’ll return to a world where nothing has changed in your universe, but in a different timeline, the world is different. In the continuous time theory, everything you do in the past effects your present and you are at serious risk for affecting how things are in the present and the future.

So the majority of the characters in this book act upon the assumption that continuous time theory is the time theory their universe acts upon.  And that makes sense with what we learned in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  Every time Hermione used a time turner, she did not create a new universe, at least I don’t think she did.  So it makes sense that every time Scorpius and Albus go back in time they are affecting their presence and it makes sense that it is entirely possible for one of them to never be born.  It also explains why each time they went back in time they had to go back to an entirely different point in time to fix what had occurred.  Each time they made a change, it made a permanent change in their time line.

But to me it seemed like Delphi didn’t really get that.  She constantly was having Albus and Scorpius go back in time to save Cedric or to kill Harry and she never seemed to be worried that any of these changes could affect her ever being born.  It seems like if Cedric’s being embarrassed could change him into a death eater, it would be entirely possible for something to happen to completely void her own existence and yet she never seemed concerned about that.  She also seemed way too knowledgeable about the alternative realities just based on what she was told by Scorpius and that also seemed to make little sense.  To me, it seemed the entire time as if Delphi thought that the world functioned on a mulitverse theory instead of a continuous time theory.  She just seemed so detached from what everyone else believed and it was frustrating and confusing all at the same time.

I just overall, think that the time travel aspect of this book wasn’t well researched and it came across as confusing and rushed the entire time. It’s been done before and it’s been done better before.  So I really was unimpressed by this storyline.

Why didn’t Albus and Scorpius get together?

Another thing that disappointed me in this story was how much they flirted around the idea of Albus and Scorpius being in love with each other but how they never actually did anything about it.  It was very obvious that the two were in love with each other and they made many different comments suggesting it, but in the end they both ended up talking about the girls they liked and the girls they wanted to date, and it seemed forced. It didn’t seem natural for the two of them.

I was very disappointed by this because it seems like something J.K. Rowling does often.  She flirts with the idea of gay characters, but she never actually follows through.  This would have been a great opportunity for her to represent two strong gay male characters in her world, but it was chosen to beat around that bush and avoid it all together.

Can we create our own Canon?

So this all brings me to my very last point in all of this: can we actually consider this play as a canon representation of the Harry Potter franchise?  J.K. Rowling would probably state that this, along with everything she has ever posted on Pottermore are all canon to the world of wizardly she has created.  But does that mean that it has to be true for us, the fans?

Let’s consider the fact that our original media for this franchise came in the form of the novelizations.  We had 7 books presented to us that were supposed to represent the entirety of the Harry Potter universe for us.  That was the outline of knowledge we were given and that was what we were given as canon.  The movies worked based off of that canon to create its own media.  Some things were different from the books when it came to the movie, mostly exclusions, but there were some additions.  For example, Luna and Neville danced around the idea of a relationship, but those who read the books don’t necessarily consider that as canon, as it takes place in a different media from what the original canon was presented.

This happens a lot with anime and manga.  A lot of the time the full story is presented in the form of a series of mangas and then later is adapted into an anime which inevitably excludes many things and often even changes some relationship or situations.  It usually depends on whether the fan was first presented with the manga or the anime when it comes to what they believe to be the real canon.  Basically, either media could be canon, but they cannot be canon together.  It’s up to the fans to decide which can be canon.  At the same time, some shows have season 0s which are a different storyline completely and are often considered to be a different universe all together and therefore exist outside of the real canon, and that’s acceptable to fans.

So now we’ve been presented with a new media outlet of the Harry Potter franchise and it’s completely different from anything we’ve had before.  I personally don’t take this to be canon.  I take this as something that exists in a different universe from the real Harry Potter franchise.  Sure there are some things that I don’t mind agreeing with the existence of.  I love the idea of Albus being in Slytherin and him being in love with and best friends with Scorpius Malfoy.  I love the idea of Draco marrying a girl who made him a better person.  But other than that, I don’t take any of this story to be canon.

And I think that it’s very fair for us to take our own idea of canon.  It’s up to us to decide what passed the original media outlet is canon and what is not.  I also think because of that, it’s time for J.K. Rowling to stop presenting us with new media outlets of Harry Potter.  I think it’s time for her to leave it to the fans to create their own canons of what the future of the characters hold and let go of it for herself.

So overall, I did not like this story. It seemed like a poorly written and poorly researched fanfiction.  (I’m not dissing on fanficiton.  There is some amazing fan fiction out there.) The story and the characters were uncharacteristic and it just didn’t make sense.

To me it seemed like this was just J.K. Rowling’s attempt at staying relevant, as she seems to every year have to shove something new Harry Potter down our throats and it just needs to stop.  This franchise has an amazing and creative fan base and it’s time for us to just have our wizarding world to make of it what we, the fans, want to make of it.  It’s our turn for the story and we don’t need to be told what is canon and what isn’t canon anymore.

Let me know though in the comments below what your thoughts on the play were.  I’m really curious to know what you thought of it.

I hope this incredible long winded review makes up for the lack of a seasonal reading list, again this took me WAY too long to read.  I will try my hardest to have a reading list for spring as I know a lot of you really enjoy those posts!

Anyway, let’s talk in the comments more about “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”.

Until next time,


Shea Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner Review

They say you should regularly rotate the shampoos and conditioners you use in your hair if you want to maximize the look of your locks.  Not only can natural wear and tear, weather, and damage cause a need to switch up the routine, but using the same product over and over again can cause built up residue on your hair to act like a shield.  This prevents your hair from getting the nutrients and moisture it needs and keeps your hair from looking its best!

I recently experienced this exact scenario when my hair was beginning to feel extra dry, crispy, and frizzy despite monthly haircuts.  And not to mention the rate at which it was shedding—it was very alarming! I chalked most of it up to a mix of the seasonal change and the fact I work in a very hot and humid atmosphere. Either way, at this point, I knew I needed to change up my hair care routine and try a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to find something that fit all my criteria for an ideal product and I was actually ready to buy a high end salon quality shampoo when I found Shea Moisture.  I must say, I am very happy with my purchasing choice.  So happy, in fact, that today I want to tell you about Shea Moisture and my thoughts on their Mankua Honey and Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Shampoo and Conditioner.

My search with a heavy criteria list

sm1My search took place at Ulta and I went in with a very heavy criteria list for what I wanted out of a shampoo and conditioner.  I truly expected that I would have to settle with 2 out of 3 of my desires being met and I had come to terms with that.  I wanted a cruelty free, sulfate free, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.  I was honestly expecting to be able to find sulfate free moisturizing products, but I was expecting I was going to have to go without the cruelty free aspect.  I was mostly okay with this as I am not a huge cruelty free activist but I am trying to be more aware of my choices.  So getting all three criteria would be a bonus.

I expected a top end salon product was going to fit the bill the best, but as I searched I realized that not only are they not cruelty free, but each one of those products contained sulfates.  It just wasn’t what I was looking for.

So I turned my attention towards the regularly priced products. Among all the typical products like Organix (which I had previously been using) and L’Oreal was Shea Moisture.  Their Intensive Hydration products caught my eye and I picked up a bottle to further investigate.  Right there, to my surprise, was everything I wanted: cruelty free and sulfate free!  I was not expecting to find that!  It was definitely a win, win, and a quick google search brought up a lot of positive reviews for these products so I knew my hair wasn’t going to fall out if I used it.

And not only does Shea Moisture steer clear of sulfates and animal testing, they also do a lot of work to help others.  In fact, Shea Moisture has set up the Community Commerce Initiative which helps to combat poverty.  10% of Shea Moisture’s proceeds go towards this Initiative which donates the money towards women run businesses who supply the products for Shea Moisture or towards the Sofi Tucker Foundation which provides grants for organizations that to help in the empowerment of women, their families, and communities within the United States and Africa.

It is such a cool company and a really interesting product, so of course I picked up the shampoo and conditioner.  I also picked up some hand lotion of the same type and their castor oil for my hair.  All of these were good purchases.

What do I think of the product?

sm2Like I said earlier, my hair had become very dry and very crispy and I had had about enough of it, so this product was a good change for me and it was much needed.

I didn’t notice an Oh My God this is the best product ever experience with the moisturizing effect of this product, but I definitely could tell a difference.  Throughout the day when my hair would normally be dried out and rough to the touch, the effect was lessened after using this product.  The overall quality of my hair seems much better.  My ends don’t feel nearly as fried as they did before and at the end of the day I can run my fingers through my hair and it is still soft to the touch!

Despite it being a sulfate free product, the consistency of the product in hand is comparable to most other shampoo and conditioners.  The conditioner isn’t over lumpy or oatmeally, for lack of a better word (Oh and trust me, I have used conditioners that seem like oatmeal) and both they apply well.

The shampoo lathers, but not as much as you would get from a sulfate shampoo.  A small quarter sized amount would still cover a normal head of hair.  I have hair down to my butt, so I need twice this for my hair, but it’s still a relatively small amount.

The conditioner doesn’t seem to last nearly as long as the shampoo (this is normal, but be prepared to need twice as much conditioner to the amount of shampoo) and I find myself using 10-12 pumps to cover my head and still feeling like I could use some more if I really wanted a good coverage.  That being said, the lessened coverage I have been giving myself with this conditioner is still getting the job done and my hair does feel moisturized, so maybe I just apply way too much conditioner as it is.

I love the smell of this product, although it is impossible to explain what the smell is.  It just has a very natural smell to it and it doesn’t seem like an over processed fragrance.  It’s very unique in its smell, not floral and not herbal, but it also doesn’t smell like your typical salon either. I think it may be due to the honey, but again, it’s not your typical honey smell.  Whatever the smell is, I really like it, and so have others who have smelled it (the hand lotion smells the same) and the smell lingers in the hair for hours!

The label on the product is a bit misleading

I have not figured out what the deal with the labeling on this product is all about.  It’s definitely a very small detail that just confuses me, so I want to forewarn everyone.  On the front of the bottle it states this is a Manuka Honey and Mafura Oil product, but on the back of the bottle within the ingredient list, neither of those products are listed.  There is a section above the ingredients list that tells what each product, Mankua Honey, Mafura oil, and rock fig do, but it doesn’t clarify if these are actually products being used in the shampoo and conditioner.


The label from their hair mask shows that the labeling can be a bit misleading

I am assuming that they are and it’s being implied that they are the first ingredients of the overall product, but this labeling is a little misleading and confusing.  But even with that, it’s no reason not to buy and try out the product.

What about the price and where can I find it?

I have found that the product ranges from between $9 to around $13 for a 13 ounce bottle depending on the store you buy it from.  I have had a difficult time finding the product in stores such as Sally’s Beauty supply and Wal-Mart when I’ve looked to buy it a second time despite the fact that the websites all claim to carry it.  These stores do sell some Shea Moisture products, but their selection seems very small consisting of just two or three types of their products.

When I first found the product I found it at Ulta and they had a much bigger selection of Shea Moisture products than either of the other stores I have looked at have had.  I think Ulta is the best bet for consistently finding this product or any other Shea Moisture product you may be interested in buying as their collection seems to be much bigger overall.  You can also find the product on the Shea Moisture website if you are a fan of buying products online.

All in all, I really do love this shampoo and conditioner set.  I am hoping that at my next trip to Ulta I am able to find them again, although buying them online might not be out of the options since I really do like the product. It really worked to bring moisture back into my hair and you really can’t beat the fact that it is cruelty free and sulfate free. Plus with a price like that, you’re paying what you would have paid for a similar product at the drug store.  It’s definitely worth the buy and I highly recommend it.

And even if you’re not looking for hydration, Shea Moisture has products that promote hair growth or repair damaged hair, so you can find the shampoo to fit your need depending on what that need is!

So let me know in the comments below if you’ve ever tried Shea Moisture, what product you used, how you felt about it, or if you’re planning to try it out now!  I definitely will be buying again and maybe I’ll even check out some of their other products!

Also, let me know if there are any products you want me to try out and review! I would be glad to check them out.

Until next time,


Lush Product Review

I recently went on a little shopping adventure, just wondering around a random mall I had stumbled upon while adventuring through San Diego, and just happened to come upon a Lush store.  As I’ve said on this blog before, I don’t have a Lush store where I am from, so when I am able to go in and try out new products, it’s sort of like my own little exciting spa day.  I absolutely love getting to try out new products by them and seeing what of their products work best for me.

If you don’t know what Lush is, they’re a cosmetic company that creates all sorts of hand made products from shampoos to make-up and hair dye.  They also promote the fact that they do not do any animal testing and actually aim to fight against animal testing used elsewhere.  A good chunk of their products are also vegan which is a bonus.

Lush stores are located all over the US and in about 48 other countries, so your chance of finding one at some point in life is pretty good.  But if you are curious about their products now and don’t have one near you, they will ship their products right to your door.  And not to mention their shipping prices are pretty fair.

So today, I want to share with you my review of the four products I got to try out during this last haul and let you know my honest opinions of them.

Brazened Honey Face Mask—Regular Price $7.95

I went in originally looking for a face scrub that would help me combat the high winds and sun that I’m finding rough on my face out here in California.  I’ve previously tried their Ocean Salt scrub, but found that when my face was dried out it actually hurt my skin.  So of course, I wanted to try something new that might work better on my skin.


This face mask uses lime, ginger, and ground almonds to stimulate the skin and help exfoliate and clear away dead skin cells.  It’s made of all fresh products, so it’s kept in with the refrigerated products to help remain fresh.  This mask is used by being layered on the face and left for ten minutes before being rinsed off.  In the rinsing process I like to work the product around my face to help the feel of exfoliation continue.

I overall really liked this product.  It smells great, with the scent of honey coming through the most.  So while you sit there for ten minutes with this product drying on your face, you’re not overcome by a foul smell. I also like the fact that it’s kept in the refrigerator because honestly, it feels really good to put something cool on your face after a long day in the California heat!  I also like the way it feels as I rub it around my skin.  The small almond granules really do work to exfoliate the skin and you can feel it working, but it isn’t too rough on your skin either.

After use, my skin does feel softer and livelier.  It’s gentle enough to be used once a week, which is good because its shelf life is about 3-4 weeks and the small container is the perfect amount to get you that far.

The price is great.  It’s about 8 dollars for 4-5 uses, which to be honest is a pretty reasonable price, especially because sometimes with Lush you feel like you’re paying more than you should be.  I found this price reasonable and fair.

However, the few cons I have found about this product might be enough for me to shy away from buying it again.  For one, this product is not vegan, which isn’t super important to me, but is always something I try to stay aware of.  I’m trying to switch to mostly vegan products, although I know that it’s nearly impossible to do so.  I’m just trying to stay more aware and alert about what is in my products and where it is all coming from.  I assume the reason this product is not vegan is because of the honey (many of the products I tried this time were made with honey), which comes from bees.  Bees are thankfully not hurt in the process of making and gathering honey, but it still is considered a bi-product.  I have since using these products became very curious about where the honey Lush uses comes from and to know if they have any part in working towards helping the honey bee populations.  This is something I plan to look into in the futures considering so many of their honey based products I really do like.

The biggest con about this product for me was the fact that it uses ground almonds.  As we have discussed previously on this blog, the almond industry isn’t the most sustainable at the moment considering how much water it takes to water a single almond.  Therefore, as part of my New Year’s Resolution, I was aiming to reduce the amount of almond products I was using as an attempt to be more sustainable.  Sadly, this does go against that, so although I do like this product, I may shy away from it next time and instead try one of their other face masks.  (Their ‘Don’t Look at Me’ face mask was also very nice!).

Skin Drink Facial Moisturizer– Regular Price $24.95

This is my favorite product I have bought thus far from Lush.  It’s a daily moisturizer using sesame oil and avocados to help nourish and moisturize skin.  It is vegan and it offers natural sun protection.

What drew me to this product was the fact that it offers sun protection.  I didn’t know until recently that all SPF products have been animal tested.  So when I found this moisturizer that still offers sun protection, but didn’t test on animals, I had to jump on it.

skin drink

It works great and leaves my skin feeling soft and regenerated.  It’s not too oily, which can happen with moisturizers, and although my face has been a little more prone to acne lately, I do not think this product has caused that problem to worsen.  I don’t feel like it’s clogging my pores and it doesn’t feel heavy on my skin.  It dries quickly but leaves the skin skill feeling soft and protected.  And it smells great, although I can’t exactly place what it smells like. The smell isn’t overpowering and it compliments a variety of other scents as well.  It’s also a perfect pair with the Brazened Honey face mask.

Price wise it seems expensive.  $25 for the container can seem kind of expensive, but a small amount of this product goes a really long way so it’s going to last for a while.  I only use it on my face and I’ve been using it daily for two weeks and haven’t even moved on from using what was sitting on the lid!  So it’s pretty worth the $25.

My only con is that it uses almond oil.  Why oh why can’t the world just be the beautiful self sustaining unit I wish it could be?  Just goes to show that we don’t live in a perfect world and there’s always a down side to something.

I give this product overall high reviews, wonder if the almond oil could be taken out or substituted, but would maybe overlook it to buy it again. (I’m terrible I know! Haha).

Fairly Traded Honey Shampoo- Regular Price $9.95-$30.95

This was one of the samples I got to try.  It’s a honey based shampoo that the consultant gave me to try because my hair is often dry and frizzy.

It smells great, lathers well, and cleans hair well whether my hair isn’t too dirty or whether I’ve been sweating really well at the gym.  The smell lingers as well, which is one of my favorite features of this product and even the next day I can still smell the honey in my hair.  It’s not sticky which you may think a honey based product would be, and it doesn’t leave residue in hair after washing.  So it works just like a regular shampoo and just as well.

fairly traded honey

Overall, I didn’t feel like it left my hair feeling super amazingly soft, whereas I’ve tried other shampoos that I’ve liked more and are more affordable, because let’s be honest $30 for shampoo is kind of steep if you’re not super in love with it.

So personally, this isn’t a product that I plan to buy for myself, but I am definitely glad I gave it a try.  It’s also really cool that it uses fair trade honey from Zambia, although I am still curious if Lush is aware of the honeybee populations.

It’s Raining Men Shower Gel- Regular Price $9.95-$30.95

I have had friends rave about this product, which is a honey based shower gel that has a honey toffee sort of smell.  I wasn’t even originally getting this product, but the woman at check at threw a sample of it into my bag last minute for me to try and I wasn’t about to say no to that!

it's raining men

It works just like a regular shower gel, it lathers well so a small bit goes a decent way and it washes well whether I’m gross and dirty or not.

The smell is to die for though and I can see why people like it.  I don’t usually have people stopping by my room after a shower and the door is open going “what is that smell? It smells amazing!” but it’s happened multiple times after I’ve used this product.  I am absolutely in love with the smell and how it lingers because most of my shower gels smell good in the shower and then stop smelling good minutes after.

The price is probably what’s going to stop me from buying this product again, because let’s be honest, on my budget, I’m going to stick with buying Bath and Body works as my “expensive” shower products because it’s just slightly more affordable (especially considering shipping is added to that price if I want this product again depending on my living situation.  Bath and Body works is also Cruelty Free if you were not aware!).  But if you’re looking for a new, really nice smelling body wash, you should give this a try!

Lush has such an amazing array of products that I never find myself buying the same product twice, although maybe next time I will.  They have so many different things to try and their workers are always so nice and helpful.  It makes my day to walk into a Lush store and get treated so kindly and be helped out so much!

I can’t wait to try even more Lush products, write more reviews, and find more products that I may or may not like.

What are some of your favorite Lush products?  Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time,


Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List

Summer is always a great time for reading.  Whether you’re sitting out by the pool to read, or you’re trying to avoid a rain shower by curling up in bed with a book, it’s always a good time to read.  Here’s what I’ve been reading lately, what I suggest you should read, and why I think you should check these books out.

papertownsPaper Towns by John Green

Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Synopsis: For as long as he could remember, Q was head over heels for the girl next door—Margo Roth Speigelman.  But despite the fact they were friends as children, as the two grew up and high school went on they practically became strangers.  Until one night, Margo comes seeking Q’s help for a mission, a revenge plot really.  But despite a wild night, when morning comes, Margo is missing and Q takes it upon himself to find her.  Especially considering the fact that it seems like Margo has left him little clues along the way as if asking for him to come and find her.  So the search is on, will Q find where Margo is or is something deeper going on?

Why I liked it: This book got me through the last year of high school and the first year of University.  I always found myself really connecting with Margo as a character and what she stood for.  She saw the world in a different way than most people and I absolutely devoured it.

Not to mention that John Green has always been my favorite Young Adult writer because he always brings so much life and reality to his characters.  Despite the fact that they’re all a little too deep for your average teenager (because let’s be honest who actually uses those kind of lines in a regular conversation), the bulk of what they feel and experience is so similar to what I felt as a teenager.  And maybe that was why I always felt so connected to them while reading—I had been there and experienced that, even if the situation was different.  I really connected with this book in particular.

This book is an easy weekend read and it won’t take you long, but I still grantee that you will enjoy it. Plus the movie will be coming out this month so you’ll want to know exactly what it is that everyone is talking about.  The hype makes it sound like it will be everything fans of the book expect.

The Testing by Joelle Charbonneauthe testin

Genre: Dystopian Fiction

Synopsis: The Seven Stage War left most of the world in ruins.  In an attempt to revitalize the world, the United States, now the United Commonwealth, split the remaining population into colonies to work to rebuild the population and revitalize the land.  Every year a few graduating students from each colony are selected to join the University where they will train to be future leaders of the Commonwealth.  But first they have to go through The Testing.

Cia, a smart, excited, 16-year old has been chosen for the Testing, and although she is ready for the tests that are to come, nothing can prepare her for what the Testing really means.  Not only is the Testing going to test her wits and her smarts, it’s also going to test her ability to survive, and the results could be deadly.

Why I liked it: Every dystopian fiction novel has basically the same set up.  However, they all differ when it comes to creating a world in which the novel takes place.  I particularly enjoyed the world that The Testing created because it’s so entirely different from what any other novel has created.  In this world, no one really realizes they are in danger, no one thinks twice about how the government runs, until it’s too late for them to do anything about it.  Instead, in this world, they use education to power their dystopian corruption, something that I have never read in a dystopian fiction novel before.

I also enjoyed the fact that despite the romance that did occur in the book, because there always it, it takes a back seat to what is actually happening in the novel.  It’s there, but it doesn’t define the characters, it simply adds to them.  It’s a surprising and welcoming turn of events for a novel.

ready player oneReady Player One by Ernest Cline

Genre: Science Fiction

Synopsis: In the year 2044, the world is a scary place.  Poverty, hunger, and overpopulation run amuck and the only place people can find refuge is in the OASIS, an online world where people can go to learn, shop, game, or socialize.  In fact, almost the entirety of society exists online.   When James Halliday, the creator of the OASIS dies, he leaves the online world and all his real world money to the one person who can find the hidden Easter Egg he has left somewhere in the OASIS.  Years and years pass as people attempt to uncover the clues to lead to where the Easter Egg is.  Just as many are beginning to give up hope of finding the Egg, Wade Watts, a student in the OASIS school system, stumbles on the clue that will throw the search in full drive.

Why I liked it: Books like this have existed for years.  People have always been writing about virtual worlds and people traveling there.  However, my friend was raving about this book in particular and I just knew that I had to check it out.  I certainly wasn’t disappointed.

This book takes place from the point of view of a gamer which is really exciting for someone who grew up gaming and around gamers.  Getting into the head of a gamer when reading just seemed so natural and made reading a lot of fun.  Plus getting the story from the perspective of Wade Watts meant that we got to slowly discover what the clues meant along with him (although conveniently the author never gave away enough information for us to figure out the clues before it was the right time, but that was most of the fun).

Not to mention the abundance of 80s references that riddle the pages (Literally riddle) presenting readers with a story that almost takes place from two different eras.  So while the story is taking place in the future, a place we can only imagine, most of the television and music that is referred to all comes from the 80s, a place that we can remember or at least understand.  It adds a completely different level of understanding and enjoyment to the story.

Did I mention that there is talk of the book being turning it into a movie soon?  You’ll definitely want to find out what the story’s all about before the movie comes out!

white oleanderWhite Oleanders by Janet Fitch

Genre: Fiction

Synopsis: After Aster’s mother Ingrid is sent to jail for murder, Aster comes face to face with the realities of the world.  From foster home to foster home Aster is passed where she learns the truth of other people and herself.  But Aster can never feel at home in these new places and the memories of her mother follow her wherever she goes along with the letters from the jail, her mother keeping close tabs on her.  Follow Aster as she discovers who she is, who she wants to be, and if keeping close to her mother is really worth what it costs.

Why I liked it: This book is pure poetry, as it should be because Ingrid is a poet, shedding so much of her talent onto her daughter, the narrator of the story.  Through this story, we are invited into Aster’s head as she discovers things, mysteries that she wouldn’t have had she been with her mother still.  We discover the down sides and up sides of foster homes along Aster and follow her on the emotional roller coaster that is growing up without a stable home.  The story is beautiful, the way it is told is stellar, and we can all learn something from this novel.

For anyone who likes emotional reads, stories that make you think a little deeper, or coming of age novels, this novel encompasses all of that.

tkamTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Genre: Coming of Age

Synopsis: Scout and Jem Finch grew up in the sleepy little town of Maycomb, Alabama with their friend Dill and their strange, mysterious neighbor Boo Radley, who no one seems to talk about. Curiosity strikes the children to try to find out about who Boo Radley is and why he never leaves the safety of his home.  Meanwhile, Scout and Jem’s father Atticus is asked to represent Tom Robinson, a black man accused of rape.  While Scout and Jem are asked to not be present at the hearing, curiosity cannot keep them away and they’re about to learn more about the world they live in than they originally believed could exist.

Why I liked it: Not only is this book enjoyable from start to finish, but this book is what finally got me to realize that reading classics can be enjoyable and that some books hold morals that teach us important lessons.  This book, for me, finally opened my eyes to what reading classics can provide the world.  I do consider this novel as one of my top favorites despite how young I was when I first read it.

You probably have read this book, but if you haven’t, I definitely think you need to.  Not only is it a classic novel, but it tells an important story about the differences in blacks and whites and the segregation that they used to face.  And whereas, yes, for the most part, that segregation is behind us, there is still so much in our society that is segregated, making this novel still relevant today.  We can still learn so much from this novel.  If you have read it, or were forced to read it as a student, you should highly consider reading it again.  As I said, we all can still learn from the lesson this novel presents.  At times we all need reminded of what that lesson was and how important it is.

Plus, Harper Lee’s sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird is coming out later this month and you want to have a fresh memory of what happened in the first novel before you start reading the sequel!

What have you been reading lately?  Have any good book recommendations? Leave a comment down below.

Until next time,


Spring Reading List

So I’ve had a pretty crappy weekend and week, which has left me wanting to do nothing but lie in my bed and read books.   Lots and lots of books.   Essentially I’ve wanted to spend the past week anywhere but in the real world.  But that’s the great thing about books, for hours upon hours we can actually escape the world we live in and find ourselves in different worlds with different problems and most importantly, different settings.

So today, I want to share with you some of the books I’ve been reading lately and my thoughts on why I’ve liked them.  After all, spring is here and there is no better way to spend a warm day than by sitting under a shady tree and reading a good book.

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

aatfkGenre:  Young Adult Fiction

Synopsis: Anna Oliphant isn’t exactly excited about her father’s decisions to ship her off to boarding school in Paris, France her senior year of high school. In fact she rejects everything about the idea, especially considering the budding relationships she has at home.  But maybe school in France isn’t all that bad.  Some of the people seem nice, and there’s always gorgeous, British-French-American boy-masterpiece Etienne St. Clair to keep Anna company; even if he’s taken.  Paris certainly has its ups and downs for Anna and as she tries to make it her home she learns more about herself.

Why I liked it:  No matter what book list I’m making for anyone, I always put this book on the very top because it is my absolute favorite.  I have read it more times than I have read any other book on my bookshelf, and that’s including The Night Before Christmas (which I read every Christmas Eve).  In all reality, this is a typical Y.A. romance, but what makes it so amazing to me is how totally relatable Anna is as a character.  She’s afraid of her new school and living situation, worried about making new friends while leaving the ones back home, and she’s crushing on a boy she can’t have.  And not to mention how dreamy Etienne St. Clair is in the book.  Who wouldn’t fall in love with a French, American boy with a British accent?  I certainly have.

This book is an easy read, an engaging read, and most importantly, and entertaining read.  If you need a book to help you escape to a realistic, yet charming world, this is the perfect book for you.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

fangirlGenre: Young Adult Fiction

Synopsis: Cather is about to start her freshman year of college with her twin sister Wren, but with this new chapter in their lives starting, Wren has gotten surprisingly distant.  She didn’t even want to room with her sister for the year.  But Cather finds comfort in her widely popular fanfiction Carry On written about the famous book series Simon Snow.   However, not everyone is a fan of Cath’s work, especially her fiction-writing professor.  This makes Cath question what she’s really doing at college and how she’ll manage to stick it out for four years.

Why I liked it: Simon Snow, in this story is essentially Harry Potter, so Cath is spending the entire novel talking about how this one character and book series shaped her entire life.  And let’s be honest, so many of us have been there.  Harry Potter was the Simon Snow of our lives and we grew up growing right along side of the characters.  In a way, we can all connect with Cath on some level.  Then throw the fact that she’s just starting college and is trying to make a new life for herself in there and BAM, how could you not relate with Cath?  Yes, sometimes her social ineptness is a little too much, but we all have a little social awkwardness in us.  Cath is a completely realistic and the situations she ends up in are interesting because we can so easily place ourselves there as well.

For me this book was a great way to spend a couple of days in bed just relaxing. I highly suggest this book, especially if you are a Harry Potter fan or were ever a fanfiction writer.

Knightley Academy by Violet Haberdasher

knightleyGenre: Fantasy

Synopsis: Henry Grimm isn’t of noble blood, and despite the fact that he’s a servant boy, he decides to sit the entrance exam for Knightley Academy, a prestigious school where boys go to learn how to be Knights.  To Henry’s surprise, he passes the exam with flying colors and now he and three other commoners find themselves among boys of much higher social status, all learning how to become Knights.  But someone is out to sabotage Henry and his new friends and get them kicked out of Knightley.  It’s up to Henry and his friends to find out who it is and stop their plan.

Why I liked it: This is another book that if you like Harry Potter you would love.  It draws so many similarities to Harry Potter that sometimes I did question if it was written with the purpose of being a Harry Potter knock off.  But the differences between the two book series are still great enough to make the books different and still very enjoyable.

This book is a very easy read, meant for someone in middle school or early high school, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying it.  It only took me a few days to read, but most of that was because it was so engaging and I found myself reading more chapters than I meant to.  This book is a great read that will easily transport you to a new fantasy world that you can call your own.

Anthem by Ayn Rand

anthemGenre: Dystopian Fiction

Synopsis: Equality 7-2521 tells you the story of their, or really his, life on earth.  Born equal to everyone else, Equality 7-2521 is different.  Equality 7-2521 can learn and adapt quickly, he can also love, and this is dangerous.  This does not match his place in society and he must hide his knowledge from everyone else because it could endanger him and the one he loves.

Why I liked it: This book is actually a novella, so it’s very short and a quick afternoon read.  However, I think it’s a very important read if you like science fiction and dystopian fiction.

In fact, this isn’t your typical dystopian fiction novel.  For starters everything in the future isn’t fancy; there aren’t flying cars and portable video screens everywhere.  The post apocalyptic world in this novel is back in the dark ages, which in my opinion is much more realistic.  Secondly, the entire concept of this novel is just beautiful. The use of pronouns “we” instead of “I” is one of the most interesting ways for Rand to show the real strength of the new world’s way of thinking, and although it is difficult at first to get used to the use of this narrative, its strength and purpose is powerful.

For anyone who loves dystopian fiction, this book is a must read.  It sets the bar high for other dystopian novels that are popular today.  It’s different, but I think those differences are what makes it one of the best dystopian books out there.

Matched by Ally Condie

matchedGenre: Dystopian Fiction

Synopsis: Cassia Reyes lives in a society that is controlled by math and statistics.  Statistics determine what you’re going to eat, what job you’re going to have someday, and most importantly who your one true match is, the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with.  When Cassia is matched with her best friend Xander Carrow things couldn’t be more perfect for her.  That is, until the night she is viewing her match’s information and a different face flashes on her screen.  Now Cassia is trying to figure out the source of the mix-up and figure out if she really has feelings for Xander or her possible other match.

Why I liked it: Unlike most dystopian fiction novels that are out there right now, like The Hunger Games and Divergent, this story doesn’t use fighting and force to accomplish what it needs to.  This isn’t a high action book, but it focuses more on the characters and their relationships while creating a web of events that keep you intrigued and interested throughout the plot.  In fact, while reading this series I didn’t think that half the plot lines were going to even match up in the end, but I was pleasantly surprised in the end when everything came together and fit together perfectly.  Everything that happens in this book is carefully calculated to affect the ending, even if you don’t expect it to.  It was truly mind boggling to me.

I also love the world that this story takes place in because it seems almost realistic.  It is one of those worlds where you can actually see it becoming our world eventually if we let it, after all, we already use statistics to drive so much.  (In fact I even saw a reality show that paired up couples using statistics and matching).  Realism is always a really key feature for me when it comes to dystopian novels.  If you can’t believe that world can be real someday, it takes some of the awe away.

If you like books like The Hunger Games or Divergent, I suggest giving this book a try.  It’s a little less action packed, but the story line will keep you wanting to continue reading.

Arena by Karen Hancock

arenaGenre: Christian lit/ Science Fiction

Synopsis: Callie Hayes needs money.  She’s in a dead end job and can use the extra cash when she can get it.  So she volunteers to participate in a psychology research experiment along with her friend Meg.  However, Callie finds herself trapped in some kind of new world where she’s in danger with every step she takes.  She only has a small book, the manual, to guide her along with the words of everyone else trapped in that world, but she quickly learns that not everyone is good and there is evil among her.  Now Callie must find her way out of this world and back home, but the Arena is dangerous and evil lurks around every corner.

Why I liked it: Finding a Christian lit book that is also a science fiction book isn’t common.  Sure there’s the Chronicles of Narnia which brought Christian fiction and fantasy together, but science fiction and Christian fiction is a little out there.  But honestly this book handled it pretty well overall.  Throughout the entire novel there was a lot of action and even more character building, especially between the two main characters.  It’s engaging and has moments for everyone, whether you like the action-packed driven stories or the character relation driven stories.

I will warn you that because this is a Christian book, the Christian metaphors are very in your face.  It’s hard to miss them or dismiss them, which sometimes for me made immersing myself in the book’s world a little harder since I was continuously connecting the symbols in the book to what they were meant to match in real life.  This is probably what made this a long read for me (this book took me a little over a month to read even though it shouldn’t have).  That being said, I still really enjoyed this book and the ending left me wishing that there was more to read.

If you’re looking for something different and like Christian Literature, I would highly suggest this book.

So what have you been reading lately?  I always love getting book suggestions, so leave a comment down below.

Until next time,


Review: Best Show Currently On Television?

I’ve never reviewed a television program on my blog before, and I never expected that I would find a need to review a show, but there is always that rare show out there that you just have to tell other people about because it’s just that good!

Photo from Wikipedia.com

Photo from Wikipedia.com

Beginning in March 2014, the CW released a show called “The 100” that aired Wednesday nights at 9 p.m.  Among super hero based shows the CW had been in the habit of releasing such as “Arrow” and “The Flash” (not to mention Fox releasing “Gotham”) the real Science Fiction feel of “The 100” was a true change of pace for the spring releases of 2014.  There’s a lot that sets this show apart from any other show on television and makes it arguably the best show currently on television, even if science fiction isn’t your sort of thing.

The Plot?

After nuclear war destroyed civilization on Earth, the only survivors are those on the 12 international space stations.  These surviving space stations eventually link together to form one large, survivable civilization– the Ark.  However, resources on the Ark can only last so long before they begin to dwindle, and 97 years after the creation of the Ark, the group of survivors finds their oxygen supply running short.  In a desperate attempt to find a solution, the Ark sends 100 juvenile prisoners back to earth to determine if conditions are survivable for everyone else.  Meanwhile, those in charge on the Ark try to find a way to save everyone else until they can make it to earth.  That is, if it’s safe. The 100 teens and children find themselves on earth, awed by the fresh air and their surroundings.  But they quickly learn that there is a serious power struggle between the group, and as they’re trying to figure out a way to lead themselves, they discover something they never expected.  They’re not alone and what’s out there is deadly.

Not just another teen drama:

It sounds like an easy opening for another typical teen drama show like “Teen Wolf” or the “Vampire Diaries”.  What? You’re going to put 100 teenagers down on earth and it’s just going to become about relationship drama and who’s sleeping with who?  You’d think.  But this show is nothing like that.

The problems presented in this show are much deeper than just emotional drama.  Obviously these teens aren’t going to know how to work together and become a team in order to survive, so who’s going to take charge and become their leader?  What rules are they going to establish?  How are they going to find food, find shelter?  And when they find out there really is danger, how are they going to protect themselves if they can’t even get along with each other?  The core of this show is based on the depth of the relationships, not the outer most necessities of teen angst.   Yes there are relationships, and yes there is a lot of drama that comes from those relationships, but the thing is that there are a lot of things going on around those relationships at the same time.   For example, not only is this one girl falling in love with this other guy while his girlfriend miraculously lands on earth at the same time, but now he’s poisoned and the girl falling for him has to work with his girlfriend to save his life, if that’s even going to be possible.  Meanwhile, they’re being attacked and trying to let the Ark know they’re alive.  There’s a lot going on, and truth is, it’s all realistic.

Yes, it’s realistic.

What I mean by realistic, is that if you were to land back on earth after 97 years of living on space and you were a criminal, you would do a lot of the things these teens do and you would react in a lot of similar ways as they do.  That means being angry at the people who sent you there, scared of the new threat, and at the same time, not afraid to do what you had to do to survive.

Photo from: zap2it.com

Photo from: zap2it.com

What is really realistic about this show is that it’s not all sunshine and roses.  For anyone.  Every time you think that things are finally starting to go well for a character or when you think that they finally have a game plan for how they’re going to handle the oxygen problem on the Ark, something happens and just that that you’re back to square one.

Let me tell you one thing.  I don’t often cry because of television shows.  In one hour I never find myself engrossed enough in the story line to be actually attached enough to the characters to care.  By the fourth episode of this show, the Ark had to take such extreme measures that I found myself crying over perfect strangers to the show.  But you know what, that was a realistic situation for what needed to be done in the midst of what was happening on the Ark.  And I cried all the way through it as if it was real.

The writers of this show aren’t afraid to do what they have to do.

Don’t get attached to any one in particular in this show because they might not last or something truly terrible and painful may happen to them.  (Or then again maybe do get attached because it makes the watching experience that much more enjoyable).   I have watched a lot of people rage quit on twitter because of certain situations, deaths, or near deaths main characters get into throughout this show.  In my honest opinion, the fact that the writers aren’t afraid to put their main characters through so much pain and torment (and yes, even death) is what puts this show apart from every other show out there.  They are going to do what needs done.  This story line takes place in what eventually comes up as a war and there will be causalities.  Not all those causalities can be of minor characters.  They force their audience to feel as the show goes on.  That’s why people get so upset and turn to twitter to let out their emotions.  The writers feed on that.  It’s what they want.

I have serious writer’s envy for this because I have always been afraid to hurt my main characters directly.  It takes a special writer to do everything that needs to be done, and do it in such a beautiful and necessary way.  The story line just would not be the same without these necessary happenings.  The show would get boring.  You never know what direction the writers are going to go with the show because of their lack of fear.  You never know who is safe and who isn’t.  You’re literally sitting on the edge of your seat each and every episode.

You can’t guess what is going to happen

It might just be me, but I think that there is literally no way for me to even begin to guess what is going to happen throughout the rest of the show.  Sure maybe I can make a guess at which characters are going to die and how someone might react to a certain situation, but in the long run, I can’t even imagine what is going to be the main plot of season 3 or how season 2 is even going to end.  And that’s exciting.  This show is far from boring because of that.  You never know what you’re going to get.

There isn’t a bad guy, there are just people.

The Grounders.  Photo from: cwtv.com

The Grounders. Photo from: cwtv.com

Arguably you could say that the Grounders (those who were already on the ground when the 100 showed up) are the bad guys.  After all, they started a war and they fought the 100, so clearly they are the enemy.  But really are they?  The 100 invaded their space, stole their land, and disturbed their culture and home.  The Grounders just did what they knew how to do.  Fight back.  That’s not being a bad guy.  That’s being a person defending your territory.  And that’s the thing I love about this show.  There isn’t really a bad guy.  You can’t say that the Grounders are the bad guys because they are just people.  There is so much grey area behind each of the groups.  This show shows the good and bad in all people, each group the Grounders, the 100, the Ark (and more as you get into season 2).  And that again is realistic because there are no definite bad guys in our world, there are just people who have their own motives, whatever those are.  And motives can cause people to do crazy things that seem bad but might be justifiable to them or their culture.

There’s a lot of diversity

Representation in this show is amazing.  For one character wise. Each and every character comes from a different background, some you get to see and some you don’t, but every single character has a name and a background story.  Every single character has a part to play even if you only see them for a few episodes.  And you don’t just follow the story of the teens.  You follow the story of the adults, of the grounders.

The Cast of "The 100".  Photo  by hallels.com

The Cast of “The 100”. Photo by hallels.com

And they’re culturally aware throughout this show.  The Ark has a very particular culture, the 100 creates their own culture, and the grounders have a very exact culture (which includes their own language and their own rituals).  The attention to details in this show is far from lacking.

But most importantly there is a lot of diversity within the cast.  Representation from strong women characters, strong men characters, women and men of color, and different races.  The creators of this show have a wide range of diversity within their cast and it amazes me.  And they’re not minor characters (although arguably there really are no minor characters in this show).  I cannot tell you how amazing it is to see such diversity on a television program and how important it really is to producing a great show.

There are about 100 reasons you should watch “The 100” and as much as I would love to sit here and list for you all 100 reasons, I think that maybe you should watch the show and come up with your own list of reasons why you should watch it.

In my personal opinion, this show is by far the best show that has been put on television in a very long time.  There is no other show out there that compares to it.  You will be sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what is going to happen next and how everyone is going to react to it.  And you’ll even find yourself wondering how you will react to it.

Season 1 can be found on Nexflix or you can buy the DVD set, which is absolutely worth the buy.  The second part of season 2 airs Wednesday nights at 9 p.m. so you have a week to binge watch and catch up.  Trust me; it’s worth your time.

Let me know in the comments if you watch “The 100” or if you plan to!

Until Next Time,


Lush Product Review

lushIf you’re not familiar with Lush, they’re a cosmetic company that creates all hand made products from shampoos to lipstick to hair dye.  You name it, they’ve probably made it.  They also promote the fact that they do not do any testing on animals and actually aim to fight against animal testing used elsewhere.

Lush stores are located all over the US and in about 48 other countries, so they’re pretty easily accessible, but if you don’t live near a lush store, they also ship right to your door.  And because they’re located practically anywhere, the shipping fee is pretty standard.

I don’t have a Lush store in my town, so when I was out of town to see a friend, I stopped by her local store and picked up a couple of products to try for the first time.  I picked up some products similar to what I use all the time to begin with, but there is a large variety of products out there to try and I plan to expand a little next time I go.

One thing I really liked about going to the actual store was the fact that the workers there were so friendly!  They let me test whatever products I wanted to see and even explained to me what each one did and how to use it.  I got to test out more products than I even intended to buy and they didn’t even mind at all.  It made the experience so memorable and worth every second in the store.

Now to let you know how I feel about the products that I bought:

Ocean Salt Cleanser

This product is meant to be used mostly for the face but it can also be used as an overall body scrub.  The salt in this product helps to soften and exfoliate skin by cleaning away dirt and dead skin cells.  Fresh avocado and coconut oil help to hydrate the skin and keep it soft.  This product also uses vodka and lime (which the product gets its pungent smell from) to help clear the pores of blackheads and clear blemishes and acne.


I have dry skin, almost eczema like skin, to begin with, but it’s been managed lately, so I wouldn’t have considered my skin to be sensitive, especially since I’ve never had any problems with products. I used the Ocean Salt as a face scrub a few times.  The first time it worked great, very similar to a product I was already using to exfoliate my skin, and I had no problems with it at all.  My skin felt clean and very soft, just as it was supposed to.  The second time I had a few splotches of dry skin on my face and using the salt scrub burned horribly.  They do precaution on the website, not to use this product on sensitive skin, but as I said I never considered my skin to be sensitive.  This begin said, I don’t think I would use this product as my weekly face exfoliation.

I have also used this as an all over body scrub and have been much happier with the results there.  I actually feel very clean and soft after using this on my arms and legs.  I also feel invigorated after use whether it’s because of that citrusy vodka smell, or because the product actually works to release some toxins from the body like an Epson salt would, I’m not sure but for me it seemed to work that way.  That was the thing I really liked about the product and stuck out to me the most.

The smell, the citrus vodka, is not my favorite scent, especially while it sits in my closet unused stinking up everything else in the vicinity.  I like to choose my own scents with the products that I use on my body, and a lot of the time with Lush you aren’t able to choose between scents.  However, as time as gone by I have grown fonder of the scent and now I actually enjoy it.  It’s a nice change from my usual scent of lavender and jasmine.  Overall, I don’t think I would get this product again, and instead I might try some of the other Lush scrubs.

Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner

I actually didn’t buy this product, one of the workers at the shop gave me a small 1 oz. sample size to try out because he said that it paired well with the Ocean Salt (according to the website it pairs better with one of their body smoothies, but I love free samples no matter what).

ro's argan body conditioner

This product is just what it sounds like, a conditioner for the body.  This works by using natural products like almond oil, cypress leaves, brazil nut oil, shea butter, argan oil (which surprisingly isn’t the first ingredient), cocoa butter, and goji berries, along with many other products that are great for hydrating the skin.  The argan oil actually helps nurture your skin as well and makes it healthier overall.  The goji berries feed your skin with antioxidants which helps to make your skin healthier as well.

I used this product as a basic moisturizer, just using it when I came out of the shower after using the Ocean scrub.  I’ve liked the product so far.  It leaves my skin moist and fresh for up to 24 hours which is pretty impressive.  And a small amount goes a long way use wise.  I’ve only used a very small portion of my sample and I’ve gotten a handful of uses out of it.   Turns out though, it should be used as a normal conditioner would be used, you rinse your skin, apply the conditioner, and then rinse it off.  I’ve done this with the product once or twice and it works with very similar results as using it without rinsing it off.  My skin still feels soft and smells great.  However, I do feel like using it in the conditioner fashion requires more product to be used at one time in order for the “lather-like” form they show on the Lush videos to be seen.    I think the product can be used either way though.

As far as smell goes, this product again has just one sent that it comes in.  This one being a rose floral smell.  It smells very fresh and clean and it lasts as long as the conditioner does.  It’s not my favorite smell ever, but I do enjoy a slight floral smell, so I can’t complain too much.  I would probably purchase this product again.

Butterball Bath Balm

I have always wanted to try a bath bomb from Lush ever since I found out they made them.  They looked like so much fun!  I was a little conservative with my first bath bomb, I wanted to try it out but was a bit cautious when it came to a fun color or fun use for a bomb.  Plus, I was traveling and didn’t want to be too attached to the bath bomb in case something happened and it got broken up completely.  So I kept it simple and bought the butterball bath balm (say that five times fast).


The butterball bath balm is supposed to keep your skin soft while you bathe and is great for long baths that can dry out your skin otherwise.  As the bomb sizzles away in the bath chunks of cocoa butter are released which help to moisturize your skin while you soak.  It also has a strong vanilla fragrance which helps to sooth your mind and body as you soak.

I loved to watch the bath bomb fizzle in the bath water (I took a video of it to show you, but wordpress won’t upload it).  Since the ball is simply white there wasn’t much of a show, but it was still fun to listen to it sizzle away and grow smaller.

As far as the bath went, I didn’t really notice that my skin was that much softer, but then again I don’t suffer from severely dry skin all over my body (just my face surprisingly enough).  However, I loved the smell and I was very relaxed as I soaked.

I think next time I buy a bath bomb I am going to be a little more adventurous and try a fun color or shape!

I really do like Lush products and what Lush stands for.  Most of the ingredients found in these products are all natural, which I am all for, and the products work well.  There is such an array of different products to try that it could take awhile to find the perfect products just for you.  It’s definitely worth the testing though because I don’t think there is an all bad Lush product out there!  I can’t wait to try more.  I might even get adventurous and try some of their makeup products.

What are some of your favorite Lush products?  What should I try out next?  Let me know below.

Until next time,
