3 Mile 300 rep tread and sculpt challenge

So I have still loved the tread and sculpting workouts that mix cardio up with strength training, and I had a new format presented to me recently that I really loved. This is sort of an intense workout completely inspired by the ladies over at Siss_Ft. (Seriously please go check them out on Instagram. They post amazing workouts and run amazing fitness challenges). These ladies have completely changed the way I work out. In fact, their program Accelerate (which I paid for with my own money and will soon be doing a review on) completely changed my running game.

Anyway, back to the workout. This work out mixes up quick, hard jogs, with declining reps of strength exercises, then goes in reverse! It’s super fun and is a great way to test how fast you can complete it each time!

3 mile 300 reps

I will not lie to you guys, this is pretty intense, which is why the run starts off easy and also why I made the jump on the burpees optional. You can, of course, modify this as you need to. You want to be tired out by the end though that’s the plan!

Let me know if you guys try this workout and if you like it!

Should I keep doing more posts like this? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,


Tread and Sculpt Workout

I used to only be a cardio type of girl, but after years of just jogging on a treadmill for miles at a time, I’ve been beginning to mix up what I do at the gym. I’ve been incorporating a lot of high-intensity interval runs into my normal run routine and recently I’ve even gotten into lifting. I don’t do very heavy weights, but I’ve been loving the way this mixes up my normal workout routine and it’s actually made me love the gym again.

One of my favorite things to do is mix up my cardio with my strength training. This means a little running and a little weight lifting. With it being off season for running, this is the perfect way to get the best of both worlds and work on my speed.

Today I want to share with you guys a recent workout I tried that I absolutely loved and I hope you will as well!

The running section of this workout consists of 2.5 miles total, decreasing the milage with each rep. You’ll start with a 1-mile sprint, sprinting about 1 mph over your average 5k pace. (For me my average 5k pace is about 6mph so I did this mile at 7mph). You’ll increase your speed with each sprint interval, decreasing the mileage each time. Between these miles, you’ll do the sculpt section posted below that. Start with 18 reps, do your next run, then do 16 reps, after the next run do 14 reps, and finish with 12 reps after your very last run.

Save the images below to take to the gym with you!


workout image 2

Need help with the lifting section?

Here are some quick references to help you with the lifting section if any of these are new to you.

Wide squat with upright row

Dumbbell Swings

Overhead Tricep Extension

Reverse Lunge with weight

I used a kettlebell for all these exercises but you can also use a regular weight as well. Basically, use whatever is most comfortable for you!

Let me know in the comments below if you try this workout! And let me know if you’d be interested in more posts like this in the future!

Until next time,
