Running Tips

Autumn is officially upon us, which means that, although different than previous years, that usually means optimal running season. Although the days are shorter, the weather is usually just right for getting those miles in.

As a seasoned runner now, I wanted to take a few minutes to give a couple of running tips for running outside and for running form so that way you can enjoy those miles.

Run the Left side of the road

If you are going to go out running on open roads the biggest tip I can give you is to make sure you are on the correct side of the road. You have no idea how many times a day I see people running on the incorrect side of the road, which actually puts them in more danger.

You want to be able to see oncoming traffic, so you should always run against traffic (bike with traffic). This is going to maximize your safety and let you know what traffic is around you! You really don’t want a car coming up from behind you and hitting you or nearly hitting you!

Call out your location

If you run somewhere like a bike trail or a hiking trail where people are doing physical activities like walking, hiking, biking, or even running slower than you, you’re going to end up passing them up. In my book one of the most polite things you can do for them is to call out your location to them so they know you are coming up behind them. A simple “On your left” or “On your right” should be enough to let them know you’re coming. It’s not just polite, but it also helps you keep your cadence and stride without having to slow down to get around them.

Layer Up

As you are running in colder temperatures, it is important to keep your temperature under control. You want to start your run cold but not be freezing. The mid temperatures make it difficult to determine what to wear. I always opt for layers that are easy to shed when I get hot and can be easy to store.

Want something else to reference? Runner’s world has a great tool to help you decide what to wear and what layers you need. I use this tool all the time.

Watch your foot strikes

Having proper form is an important aspect to your run. Watching where your foot strikes can really help you to avoid injury and shin splints.

On short, quick runs, you should be making sure to strike on the ball of your foot, maintaining contact with the ground for a relatively short period of time. On longer runs you will find that it is more natural to land on mid foot (or even in some cases heel to toe is the natural form we end up taking on these runs).

Next time you are out watching people run, take a look at how they are striking on their feet. You might notice that many people are not striking on their feet correctly. At least for me, this gives me motivation to fix my form and do it right!

Watch the rest of your form

Again, the overall form you run with will determine how your run goes. Poor form can lead to quicker exhaustion and injury. While arm swinging can keep you propelling forward and is a popular form for runners, your arms should swing parallel back and forth but not cross your body! This will help to minimize torso and shoulder excursion while still pushing you forward.

You should also lean slightly forward, forward from the hip, while you run, making sure your foot strikes correctly. The forward lean will help to keep you off your heels and avoid shin splints.

Do you have any running tips you want to share? Let me know in the comments below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time,
