A quick track workout

With the nice, cool mornings lately, I have been really enjoying getting out to the track a couple times a week and running sprints. I’ve found that I was getting really burnt out just running 2 to 4 miles, so now I’ve been doing sprints during the week and long runs on the weekends and it’s really shaken things up for me and made me look forward to running again. Sure, I’ll go back to running 5ks soon, but I’m not in a rush to do it yet.

Anyway, the track can be kind of intimidating if you don’t how a workout plan in mind, so I wanted to share with you guys one of my recent favorite track sprint workouts. It starts out slow and then gradually decreases sprint distance so you can increase your speed and I find it really enjoyable.

The Track

For those of you who don’t know the distances on a track (which I didn’t until this year), I’m going to leave you guys a quick reference.


The track is 400 meters long (a quarter-mile). The length of the field is 100 meters and each curve is 100 meters.

The workout

Start with an easy 2 lap warm up around the track- I usually jog but you could also walk your warm-up if you want.

  • 400-meter dash about 75% effort
    • repeat 4 times
    • rest 1-2 minutes between (this depends on personal preference)
  • 200-meter dash about 80-85% effort
    • repeat 4 times
    • walk the remaining 200 meters as your rest (you’ll start at the same place each sprint)
  • 100-meter springs about 90-95% effort
    • repeat 4 times
    • Walk 100 meters between to start next sprint on the other side of the track

I then usually do another 2 laps at a slow-paced jog for my cool down.

This is a fun, quick, and efficient workout, and sprints are actually supposed to help decrease your overall running time in the long run. For now, this has been a really fun way to change up my running game, especially early in the mornings when I am trying to quickly beat the heat before it hits.

Have you guys ever done any track workouts? What are your favorites? Let me know in the comments below. And let me know if you try this one out!

Until next time,
